Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

[B534.Ebook] Ebook Download Contemporary Clinical Psychology, by Thomas G. Plante

Ebook Download Contemporary Clinical Psychology, by Thomas G. Plante

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Contemporary Clinical Psychology, by Thomas G. Plante

Contemporary Clinical Psychology, by Thomas G. Plante

Contemporary Clinical Psychology, by Thomas G. Plante

Ebook Download Contemporary Clinical Psychology, by Thomas G. Plante

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Contemporary Clinical Psychology, by Thomas G. Plante

A realistic and contemporary portrayal of the dynamic field of clinical psychology

Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the most current topics professionals will face in clinical practice, the Third Edition takes an integrative biopsychosocial approach throughout and features:

  • New coverage of innovations in psychotherapy and their implications for interventions, changing populations, and assessment

  • Up-to-date discussion of empirically supported treatments, technology-assisted treatments such as Web-based interventions, and new cognitive behavior treatments such as ACT

  • Insights into prevention, ethics, evidence-based treatments, and confidentiality laws and regulations including HIPAA

  • Case studies detailing the theoretical conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of clients

  • Chapter-ending Big Picture synopses and lists of key points and terms, as well as unique Real Students, Real Questions sections featuring actual questions asked by clinical psychology students

  • Firsthand career advice from a diverse group of mental health professionals

  • Current and future trends, plus a step-by-step road map that covers all aspects of becoming a clinical psychologist

This broad-spectrum overview of the art and science of clinical psychology explores many different perspectives in many different settings. Author Thomas Plante draws from his own experience as a practicing clinician and college professor to reveal how science and application function together in the day-to-day practice of psychology.

  • Sales Rank: #91439 in Books
  • Brand: Plante, Thomas G.
  • Published on: 2010-09-14
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.25" h x 1.78" w x 7.30" l, 2.73 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 624 pages

This new edition provides the reader with the latest developments in clinical psychology. An excellent text for introducing and motivating students’ to become well informed consumers of clinical psychology information. Every chapter provides valuable information for mental health students entering the profession.
—Gerardo D. Canul, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and Lecturer, University of California, Irvine, Visiting Faculty, Graduate School of Psychology and Education Pepperdine University

This is an excellent comprehensive account of the field of clinical psychology. It has both breadth and depth of coverage and is well written and well organized.— Paul L. Wachtel, Ph.D.,CUNY Distinguished Professor, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, City College of CUNY

From the Back Cover
"This new edition provides the reader with the latest developments in clinical psychology. An excellent text for introducing and motivating students to become well-informed consumers of clinical psychology information. Every chapter provides valuable information for mental health students entering the profession."
— Gerardo D. Canul, PhD
Clinical Psychologist and Lecturer, University of California, Irvine
Visiting Faculty, Graduate School of Psychology and Education, Pepperdine University


Contemporary Clinical Psychology, Second Edition presents a broad-spectrum overview of clinical psychology. Featuring a detailed review of the history, scientific foundations, and theoretical orientation of the field as it highlights the activities, roles, and responsibilities of today's clinical psychologist, this realistic and practical "view from the inside" provides:

  • Insights into prevention, ethics, evidence-based treatments, confidentiality laws and regulations including HIPAA, and countless other current issues
  • Case studies detailing the theoretical conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of clients, along with discussions of testing, therapy, consultation, and ethics
  • Chapter-ending "Big Picture" synopses and lists of key points and terms to ensure understanding of the material covered, as well as a unique "Real Students, Real Questions" section, featuring actual questions asked by clinical psychology students
  • Firsthand input from a diverse cross section of professionals about embarking on a career in clinical psychology
  • Current and future trends, plus a step-by-step "road map" that covers all aspects of becoming a clinical psychologist

Utilizing an integrative biopsychosocial approach throughout, this thoroughly revised text reflects a contemporary perspective of clinical psychology. Author Thomas Plante, a practicing clinician as well as college professor, draws on his own experience working with clients as well as his work as a mental health director and consultant to illustrate the real world of clinical psychology and provide an accurate picture of how science and practice function together in the day-to-day practice of psychology.

From general knowledge and information to specific topics, including modes of research and areas of specialization, Contemporary Clinical Psychology, Second Edition presents a comprehensive and engaging view of the art and science of clinical psychology. Designed for upper-level undergraduates and first-year graduate students,yet invaluable for virtually anyone pursuing a career in psychology or related fields, it provides a frank and contemporary portrayal of the dynamic field of clinical psychology from many different perspectives and in many different settings.

About the Author
THOMAS G. PLANTE, PhD, ABPP, professor of psychology at Santa Clara University and adjunct professor at Stanford University School of Medicine, has written or edited twelve books and has published over 150 journal articles and book chapters. He maintains a private clinical practice as a licensed psychologist in Menlo Park, CA.

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Information
By karen
Very easy to read, and excellent information. The history of clinical psychology, and duties of the psychologist is well described. The book has a brief description of the other branches of psychology for graduate students. Beside is a chapter for ethical and legal issues in the field of psychology that is very important for the future therapist to digest. I will continues using the book for reference in my graduate program.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great study book
By J Davis
It arrived just as class began and has been extremely helpful to cross reference with for my discussion questions in class

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Textbooks for school
By SassyBaker
I am a psychology major and this was required for my class. It was a great textbook, in good condition, and nicely priced.

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Contemporary Clinical Psychology, by Thomas G. Plante PDF

Contemporary Clinical Psychology, by Thomas G. Plante PDF
Contemporary Clinical Psychology, by Thomas G. Plante PDF

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

[P227.Ebook] Download The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide to Better Drumming, by Scott strunk

Download The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide to Better Drumming, by Scott strunk

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The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide to Better Drumming, by Scott strunk

The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide to Better Drumming, by Scott strunk

The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide to Better Drumming, by Scott strunk

Download The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide to Better Drumming, by Scott strunk

The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide To Better Drumming, By Scott Strunk. In what situation do you like reviewing so considerably? What regarding the kind of guide The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide To Better Drumming, By Scott Strunk The requirements to check out? Well, everybody has their own reason needs to check out some books The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide To Better Drumming, By Scott Strunk Mainly, it will certainly associate to their need to obtain expertise from guide The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide To Better Drumming, By Scott Strunk as well as desire to review simply to get amusement. Novels, tale e-book, as well as other entertaining books come to be so preferred today. Besides, the clinical books will certainly also be the finest factor to decide on, especially for the pupils, teachers, doctors, businessman, and various other occupations that are warm of reading.

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The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide to Better Drumming, by Scott strunk

Introduction The ideas in this book—written for beginners, professional drummers, and everyone in between—come from my 30 plus years of studying, playing, and teaching drums. As a student, I did not find one book that covered all of the information I needed to become a proficient drummer; as a veteran teacher of approximately 40 students a week for over 20 years, I wanted to share the methods I have refined in my successful teaching practice. If you are a beginner, this book will help you get started with grip and reading. I present practical applications to show why you are practicing these basic skills and give you advice on how to practice. If you are a professional, the challenging exercises included in here will keep your skills tuned up. I encourage you to build upon the ideas in this book to inspire your playing. Part 1 focuses on grip, technique, and basic reading of rhythms. Part 2 focuses on reading rhythms at all levels proficiently. Part 3 focuses on the 40 standard snare drum rudiments, sticking, and technique exercises. Part 4 focuses on drum set techniques, coordination, grooves, and soloing in different genres of music. Although this book progresses in a logical sequence, I recommend skipping around to work on specific skills. If you can complete this book correctly, you will have a solid foundation and play better at every level. I have also incorporated some of the ideas from great drum books that I’ve used throughout my years in drumming, which I have named and recommended at the end of this book. Enjoy your process towards better drumming!

  • Sales Rank: #3042246 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-04-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.00" h x .22" w x 8.50" l, .55 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 96 pages

About the Author
About the Author Scott loves teaching drums! Since graduating from Berklee College of Music, Scott has brought hundreds of drummers through elementary school and into the high school band with a foundation of great technique and musical knowledge. He has taught an average of 40 students a week for over 20 years, and participated in hundreds of recordings, live music projects and master classes. Scott also specializes in working with adult drummers who are new to the instrument, or who want to tune up their existing skills. Scott's depth of experience as a teacher and performer puts him in a unique class. Scott has a proven track record of preparing students for auditions at all levels and has helped students earn scholarships to music schools and universities. Many students have gone on to become professional drummers, drum teachers, band directors, and members of DCI drum corps. Scott is proud to be on the Vic Firth education team. Scott also accepts lessons on Skype. You can contact Scott through his web site www.scottstrunk.com or email scott@scottstrunk.com.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By James Fogg

I have enjoyed a Professional Playing & Teaching Career for the last 45+ Years.
My Previous Instructors: Vic Firth * Ted Reed * Brad Spinney * Gene Krupa *
Excitement, New Challenges Were Lacking In My Playing. I discovered,
"If You Always Do, What You Always Did, You Always Get, What You Always Got".
Scott's Book, With "His" Personal Guidance, Opened A New Beginning To My World of Drumming. The Mundane Quickly Changed Into Excitement. Linear Drumming Opened Up A New World of "Feeling & Maintaining A Groove". The Book Explains The Use Of Rudiments In All Genres of Rhythmical Grooves. A "Must Have Book" for The Serious Student! A True Bonus, " Having Scott As, "Your Guiding Light" !!!
Thank You Scott! "James Fogg" www.dimensionsindrumming.com

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
This book is fantastic!!
By alan greene
This book is fantastic! Everything you need for all levels of player. Not only do you get music theory, sticking, rudiments and many other topics, but there is so much more. I personally loved the drum set coordination sections. The linear grooves are also really cool and well explained. Scott also prepares students for auditions by giving many examples of many styles that a player would have to know to have a successful audition. I was so inspired by some of his jazz time examples in 3/4 time that I composed my own tune based on the groove. If you put the time in you WILL become a much better drummer. This is a must have book!!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great Book For Drummers of All Levels
By Vishal Kumar
Detailed book that gives awesome depth and knowledge. The book encompasses everything you need to become a proficient drummer and more. A definitive recommend.

See all 3 customer reviews...

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The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide to Better Drumming, by Scott strunk PDF

The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide to Better Drumming, by Scott strunk PDF
The Drum Lesson Manual: Your Complete Guide to Better Drumming, by Scott strunk PDF

[A945.Ebook] PDF Ebook Modern High-Power Rocketry 2, by Mark Canepa

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Modern High-Power Rocketry 2, by Mark Canepa

Modern High-Power Rocketry 2, by Mark Canepa

Modern High-Power Rocketry 2, by Mark Canepa

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Modern High-Power Rocketry 2, by Mark Canepa

A comprehensive illustrated guide to building, launching and recovering high-power rockets.

  • Sales Rank: #418609 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Trafford Publishing
  • Published on: 2005-06-01
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 10.75" h x .91" w x 8.25" l, .2 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 402 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Mark Canepa is a member of the Central California and South Carolina chapters of the Tripoli Rocketry Association, an international organization devoted to the subject of high-power rocketry. He is also a member of the National Association of Rocketry. He is the former editor of The Central Valley Rocket News and he has authored numerous articles on high-power rocketry that have appeared in Extreme Rocketry and Sport Rocketry magazines. His coverage of rocketry events includes launches throughout the United States and in 2004 he covered LDRS23 for Extreme Rocketry. Mark flew his first model rockets by Estes as a young boy and then as a teenager in the San Francisco Bay Area. In the mid-1990s he discovered high-power rocketry and has since flown rockets at local, regional and national events. Mark has successfully obtrained his Level One, Level Two, and Level Three certifications, and in 2000 he held Tripoli's national altitude record for clusters in the Open Class. In his professional life, Mark is a trial attorney, who has practiced in California for sixteen years. his articles on the legal and medical profession have appeared in state and national periodicals including California Lawyer, California Physician, Kitplanes Magazine, Medical Economics, Los Angeles Lawyer, and Civil Litigation Reporter. Mark is also licensed to practice law in the states of New Mexico, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Mark received his undergraduate degrees in history (1985) and journalism (1986) from San Francisco State University and his Juris Doctorate from the University of California, Hasting College of the Law, in 1988. Mark and his wife, Valerie, currently reside in Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Most helpful customer reviews

31 of 33 people found the following review helpful.
A necessity for the high-power rocket enthusiast
By Terry McCreary
Modern High-Power Rocketry 2 is an ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL guide to the sport of flying and safely recovering large model rockets. This edition is thoroughly updated from the 2002 edition; it is much thicker (387 pages vs. 234) and discusses many of the changes and advances that have occurred in the last three years. The book is well-written and is jam-packed with very clear photographs and illustrations.

It covers the major areas of high-power rocketry, including: motors (several brands of solids as well as hybrids); motor assembly; igniters; basic construction features; electronics; altimeter bays; dual deployment; clustering; scratchbuilding, etc. It also covers many of the "little things" that are so very helpful in insuring a successful flight: BP calculations, shear pins, mach-breaking issues, static ports, eyebolts and U-bolts, switches, parachute packing technique; nose-weighting technique; cost-saving measures in construction; anti-zippering, etc. Safety codes, sample sets of Level 3 forms, a list of rocketry websites, and an extensive bibliography round out the book.

This book is a must-have for anyone who is (a) thinking about entering the sport of high-power rocketry or (b) already engaged in the sport. I wish it had been around way back, when I started...

15 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
Great for the beginner
By J. Howard Smart
I am an experienced model rocketeer. This book was a terrific introduction to high power - all the way to Level 3. I might have given it 5 stars, but the two-column per page format made it difficult to read, and too often the photos were not on the page where the text referred to them (too much page-flipping). I would blame this on the publisher not the author. I especially enjoyed the individual stories of people making their certification attempts. In fact, I am going out this weekend to do my Level 1 certification. Thanks for the help, Mark.

7 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Missing chapter on High Power
By Paul Carattini
I found this book very informative with lots of good information. Especially if you are a beginer and have or want to join NAR and/or Tripoli and go through their certification levels. But if you are like me and the nearest club and club launch site is over two hours drive away this becomes problematic. Also consider the initial cost of joining Tripoli or the NAR and the yearly renewal fee. There is a whole aspect of High Power Rocketry barely mentioned in the book. That is Amateur Experimental Rocketry. Your do not have to be a member of either NAR or Tripoli to apply for an FAA waiver for your own launch site anyone can. Granted you will not be able to purchase manufactured high power motor reloads as most companies will not sell to you unless you have a NAR or Tripoli card and certification. But there is nothing stopping you from making your own high power rockets, reloads and motors. The book can be improved with a chapter on Experimental Rocketry and how to apply for your own FAA waiver. Four Stars as the book is not complete.

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Modern High-Power Rocketry 2, by Mark Canepa PDF

Modern High-Power Rocketry 2, by Mark Canepa PDF

Modern High-Power Rocketry 2, by Mark Canepa PDF
Modern High-Power Rocketry 2, by Mark Canepa PDF

[N551.Ebook] PDF Ebook Justice For None: How the Drug War Broke the Legal System (Kindle Single), by The Washington Post

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Justice For None: How the Drug War Broke the Legal System (Kindle Single), by The Washington Post

Justice For None: How the Drug War Broke the Legal System (Kindle Single), by The Washington Post

Justice For None: How the Drug War Broke the Legal System (Kindle Single), by The Washington Post

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Justice For None: How the Drug War Broke the Legal System (Kindle Single), by The Washington Post

When tough-on-crime laws passed 30 years ago during an era of drug-fueled violence, they were supported across the political spectrum. The subsequent “war on drugs” sent non-violent offenders to prison for decades and, in some cases, life.

As a result, the nation’s prison and jail population today is 2.3 million, more than quadruple the number that were incarcerated in 1980. One in 100 adults is behind bars in America. As many as 100 million American adults now have criminal records, and a disproportionate number of those are men of color.

Washington Post reporters, in a series of revealing and wrenching stories throughout 2015, unlocked the prison gates and allowed readers to experience the human devastation wrought by sentencing policies now under scrutiny.

  • Sales Rank: #259762 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-12-13
  • Released on: 2015-12-13
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Well-Worth Reading
By Loyd Eskildson
Excellent and objective coverage of an important topic. I have more to say, but have found it impossible to write more than two lines and have the material 'stick.'

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
The article was very well written and contained Excellent information about the justice system and how mostly it ...
By Amazon Customer
The article was very well written and contained Excellent information about the justice system and how mostly it does not work for those who need it most.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Three Stars
By Anne Deutsch
everything fine

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Justice For None: How the Drug War Broke the Legal System (Kindle Single), by The Washington Post PDF
Justice For None: How the Drug War Broke the Legal System (Kindle Single), by The Washington Post PDF

Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

[Y328.Ebook] Download Ebook This Rake of Mine (Avon Romantic Treasure), by Elizabeth Boyle

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This Rake of Mine (Avon Romantic Treasure), by Elizabeth Boyle

This Rake of Mine (Avon Romantic Treasure), by Elizabeth Boyle

This Rake of Mine (Avon Romantic Treasure), by Elizabeth Boyle

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This Rake of Mine (Avon Romantic Treasure), by Elizabeth Boyle

Scandal, outrage, ruin, rapture ... Who knows where one kiss can lead?

  • Sales Rank: #695855 in Books
  • Published on: 2005-10-25
  • Released on: 2005-10-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 6.75" h x .96" w x 4.19" l, .39 pounds
  • Binding: Mass Market Paperback
  • 384 pages

From Booklist
*Starred Review* With just one kiss, "Mad Jack" Tremont, the ton's most infamous rake, ruined Miranda Mabberly's life forever. Being caught kissing Jack not only terminated Miranda's engagement with the odious Lord Oxley, it also prompted Miranda's title-mad parents to send their now socially disgraced daughter into exile with distant relatives. Now nine years later, Miranda has reinvented herself as "Jane Porter," a decorum teacher for Miss Emery's Establishment for the Education of Genteel Ladies. While escorting the Misses Felicity, Tally, and Pippin home from school, Miranda reluctantly gives into the girls' wishes that they stop at Thistleton Park, where she discovers that the owner of the estate is none other than sinfully sexy Mad Jack. Boyle deftly balances the darker plot elements of her story with some deliciously comic moments involving the matchmaking machinations of Miranda's charges. And the exquisitely sensual chemistry she creates between her sharp-witted, sharp-tongued heroine and her dangerously sexy hero is simply sublime.

John Charles
Copyright � American Library Association. All rights reserved

About the Author

Elizabeth Boyle has always loved romance and now lives it each and every day by writing adventurous and passionate stories that readers from all around the world have described as “page-turners.” Since her first book was published, she’s seen her romances become New York Times and USA Today bestsellers and has won the RWA RITA� and the Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Awards. She resides in Seattle with her family, her garden, and her always-growing collection of yarn. Readers can visit her at www.elizabethboyle.com, or follow her own adventures on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.� www.avonromance.com www.facebook.com/avonromance�

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By jag
Was a decent read.

19 of 25 people found the following review helpful.
Why did I buy this book?
By J. Lesley
I had previously read only one short story by Elizabeth Boyle in the anthology titled HERO, COME BACK. I wrote a review for that book and stated that I loved all the stories except.....yep, EB's. So, why did I buy this book? I obviously did not read my notes before placing the order.

This one (even though it is a full length story) will fare no better with me. I did not like it. If you don't want to find out what happens in the book I would recommend you stop reading now.

I was not enjoying the book, the plot, nor the characters but I had decided to read on because surely at some point Jack would come to realize he shared an historical event with Jane (Miranda) and everything could move on from there. Well! This author asked me to swallow a series of events which do not make logical sense to me. Miranda (Jane) was "ruined" by Mad Jack at the opera when he kissed her. I'm O.K. so far. Her parents (both parents, mind you, mother and father) were so title mad that they saw her ruination as the end of their plans for the future. They banished her to live with relatives but that is not all they did. Now it gets really stupid. They told everyone she had died and even had a funeral for her!!! She (Miranda) did not know this. She lived with one set of relatives until they both died. After moving to live with the second set of relations Miranda rebelled and decided to go teach at the school where she had been a student. Miss Emery made her living teaching and training young ladies from well-to-do families. She would have kept up with how her former students were doing. She read all the papers from London. Are we supposed to believe that she knew nothing of Miranda's disgrace? Are we supposed to think that she did not read in the papers that Miranda had died? How could she not have known, even if it had just been through gossip from her students and their parents? Four years after her banishment Miranda learned that her mother had died through the newspaper. People read those things with a vengeance because it was their most obvious source of news. For Miranda (now Jane) to never know that she had been killed off by her parents was just too much for me to swallow. And to have her hear it from Jack (even though at this point he still thought she was Jane) added a dimension which made me cringe. Her parents were so awful they would prefer to have her dead rather than married to him? Her father thought Jack would just spend all the dowry money so "let's tell everyone Miranda died" instead of accepting his offer of marriage? Yet when her father died he bequeathed his entire fortune to "Jane Porter". The whole book lost me right there.

I read it all. I didn't like it when I started and I didn't like it when I finished, but I was curious about what the author was going to do with all those characters. This book is a part of The Bachelor Chronicles and we met several characters who were obviously in previous books during the telling of this tale. I would imagine that some or all of the girls in this story go on to books of their own. Luckily for me, I don't have to worry about them any more. They can all go do all the improbable things this author can dream up but I will not be participating in the train wreck.

10 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
enjoyable regency romance
By A Customer
In 1801, Miranda Mabberly has some doubts about her upcoming marriage to Lord Oxley as he and her parents fail to defend her honor besmirched by her future mother-in-law. However, things are taken out of her hands when notorious rake Lord John Tremont blatantly accosts and kisses her at the opera. The nuptials are over and her parents blame Miranda, completely cutting her off.

After five years of begging her parents to let her come home and learning her mother died without anyone bothering to inform her, Miranda writes off her father. She takes a job as decorum teacher Miss Jane Porter at Miss Emily's Establishment for the Education of Genteel Young Ladies. After five years there she has inherited a small fortune so she plans to leave, but not before John visits the school to escort his disgraced niece home. He runs into Jane, but fails to recognize her though she knows him. Edged on by three matchmaking youngsters, John begins to court Jane who rejects the advances of a rake though they soon fall in love, but to persuade her remains impossible.

THIS RAKE OF MINE is an enjoyable regency romance that in many ways is typical of the sub-genre with a rake getting his comeuppance through love. The story line is refreshed by Miranda who gives up on those who should have rallied around her when she concludes that she will always be held culpable for the actions of John. This gives her the courage to move on and not to fear challenging the aristocracy including John and his older brother. Fans will enjoy this fine historical pot boiler starring an admirable heroine and the wastrel she reforms.

Harriet Klausner

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This Rake of Mine (Avon Romantic Treasure), by Elizabeth Boyle PDF

This Rake of Mine (Avon Romantic Treasure), by Elizabeth Boyle PDF
This Rake of Mine (Avon Romantic Treasure), by Elizabeth Boyle PDF

Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

[A535.Ebook] Free PDF Let's Talk About Feeling Sad, by Joy Berry

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Let's Talk About Feeling Sad, by Joy Berry

Let's Talk About Feeling Sad, by Joy Berry

Let's Talk About Feeling Sad, by Joy Berry

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Let's Talk About Feeling Sad, by Joy Berry

"Let's Talk About Feeling Sad" (Let's Talk About series) helps children understand and manage the emotion of sadness. Joy Berry's pragmatic approach shows children real ways to handle sadness over situations such as disappointment, separation, and loss. Like all of Joy Berry's books, Let's Talk About Feeling Sad speaks directly to the child and acts as a problem-solving resource for parents and caregivers. The book is filled with full-color illustrations and simple text that make the sometimes-difficult information easy to take in.

"Let's Talk About Feeling Sad" includes a web address for FREE downloads.

"Let's Talk About Feeling Sad" is recommended for children ages 3-6.

Joy Berry's book series include the I Love books (ages 1-3); Let's Talk About (ages 3-6); Help Me Be Good (ages 4-7); A Fun and Easy Way (ages 7-10); Winning Skills (ages 11 and up); and Good Answers to Tough Questions (ages 6-12).

  • Sales Rank: #542413 in Books
  • Brand: Joy Berry Books
  • Model: FBA-|266557
  • Published on: 2010-06-08
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x 8.00" w x .25" l, .20 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 32 pages

About the Author
JOY BERRY is the bestselling author of more than 250 titles (85 million copies sold) that help parents tackle common parenting issues and that educate and empower toddlers to tweens (ages 1 to 12).

“My books teach the personal skills children need to take care of themselves, the social skills they need to develop and maintain positive relationships, and the coping skills they need to relate to things in positive rather than negative ways.” —Joy Berry

Joy Berry’s goal is to help kids help themselves by providing the information and motivation children need to lead responsible lives. Joy Berry began her career more than thirty years ago teaching in the Ontario and Arcadia school districts in Southern California. Concerned that the educational system wasn’t teaching children all they needed to know, Joy began after-school and summer programs designed to teach children life skills. Around that time she began to write her unique brand of self-help books that matched her philosophy of raising responsible children.

Today, Joy is active in schools, community centers and other programs for children, and she continues to write new books and create multi-media for children of all ages.

Most helpful customer reviews

11 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
A great way to open the discussion about feelings.
By A Customer
This books teaches about the many reasons why kids sometimes feel sad, such as leaving some place where they are having fun, or mourning a pet's death. Then it shows some ways to feel better, such talking with others or getting involved in another activity. The book emphasizes that it is okay to be sad, but there are ways of feeling better when we are ready.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
A good book to start talking about sad
By Nina Abbott
Our son's school lent this book to us after our dog was killed. This book, in addition to "Dog Heaven" helped us to discuss sadness with our son.

I would agree that this is not the most engaging book. I changed the name of the girl and our son identified the rabbit in the illustration as a dog (our dog had the same color combination.)

I think for a subject like sadness kids really respond to something simple, and even a little "preachy". This may not be a very entertaining book for adults, but our boy asked for it every night for the first two weeks after our dog was killed.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great book for kids and parents
By K. April Holgate
Such a great book for kids and adults to read together!! Joy Berry has a wonderful way of bringing things to a kids level to help them understand things better. Sometimes as an adult we forget kids see and process the world differently than us.

Beautifully illustrated to help kids pay attention while learning valuable life lessons!

This series is wonderful for any home or classroom! I want them for he community center where I work!! I am also thrilled they are being made available as ebooks!!

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Let's Talk About Feeling Sad, by Joy Berry PDF

Let's Talk About Feeling Sad, by Joy Berry PDF
Let's Talk About Feeling Sad, by Joy Berry PDF

Senin, 09 Maret 2015

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Finance for Executives: Managing for Value Creation

Will be shipped from US. Brand new copy.

  • Sales Rank: #6532999 in Books
  • Published on: 1600
  • Binding: Hardcover

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