Kamis, 30 September 2010

[P958.Ebook] PDF Download Alien: Sea of Sorrows (Novel #2), by James A. Moore

PDF Download Alien: Sea of Sorrows (Novel #2), by James A. Moore

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Alien: Sea of Sorrows (Novel #2), by James A. Moore

Alien: Sea of Sorrows (Novel #2), by James A. Moore

Alien: Sea of Sorrows (Novel #2), by James A. Moore

PDF Download Alien: Sea of Sorrows (Novel #2), by James A. Moore

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Alien: Sea of Sorrows (Novel #2), by James A. Moore

As a deputy commissioner for the ICC, Alan Decker’s job is to make sure the settlements on LV178 follow all the rules, keeping the colonists safe. But the planet known as New Galveston holds secrets, lurking deep beneath the toxic sands dubbed the Sea of Sorrows.

The Weyland-Yutani Corporation has secrets of its own, as Decker discovers when he is forced to join a team of mercenaries sent to investigate an ancient excavation. Somewhere in that long-forgotten dig lies the thing the company wants most in the universe—a living Xenomorph.
Decker doesn’t understand why they need him, until his own past comes back to haunt him. Centuries ago, his ancestor fought the Aliens, launching a bloody vendetta that was never satisfied. That was when the creatures swore revenge on the Destroyer…Ellen Ripley.�

Alien TM & � 1979, 2013 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

  • Sales Rank: #126203 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-07-29
  • Released on: 2014-07-29
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.00" h x .92" w x 4.20" l, .81 pounds
  • Binding: Mass Market Paperback
  • 352 pages

"Know your onions before diving in. If you do, you'll find ASOS a fun and rewarding book that gives you everything you've been missing in your life: more ALIEN! Can't go wrong with that." - Aint it Cool�

"Moore's writing style is compelling, and the Alien narrative is one of the best seen outside of the major films from the series." - BGG

"If you are looking for a suspenseful, frightening and action packed Science-fiction story with interesting and provoking characters than this is the novel for you." - Geek Hard

"Fun, page-turning read." - Giant Freakin Robot

"This latest entry will no doubt deliver a pulse-pounding, fright-filled read for fans of the films." - Joblo

"James A Moore brilliantly captures the tone and the terror of the first films in the series and provides an interesting addition to series mythology." - Bloody Disgusting

About the Author
James Moore is an American horror novelist and short story writer. In 2003, he was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award for "Best Novel" for his book Serenity Falls. In 2006, the novella Bloodstained Oz (co-authored by Christopher Golden) was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award for "Best Long Fiction". He wrote the novelization of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Chaos Bleeds (based on the video game written by Christopher Golden).

Most helpful customer reviews

20 of 25 people found the following review helpful.
Sorrowful Sameness
By V.S.
Alien: Sea of Sorrows is the sequel to Alien: Out of the Shadows, which in turn was an interquel between Alien and Aliens, but Sea of Sorrows takes place so much later in the timeline that it's also a sequel to Alien Resurrection, while in many ways feeling like a loose remake of Aliens. Still following me?

If you've read Out of the Shadows and watched Aliens, there's virtually nothing new here. I kept waiting for some shocking twist, some sort of revelation, but aside from a bit at the very end that offers a tantalizing glimpse into the next--and hopefully more interesting--book, this is paint-by-numbers Aliens stuff: The big tough soldiers go down to the remote colony and start getting picked off one by one by nasty, drooling monsters while the soulless corporate representatives pull the strings. If you're even remotely familiar with how Alien stories work, you've seen all this before, and done better.

Nearly one-third of this all-too-familiar 350-page trip is spent just getting to the main story proper. Until then, you'll be getting uncomfortably acquainted with our protagonist, Decker, the thoroughly unlikeable male lead who seemingly doesn't think anyone else is likeable either, unless they have nice boobs. All of the women he interacts with in any significant way, he either is indifferent to, hates or wants in his bed. An early scene in the book sees Decker badly wounded, barely staying conscious, but all the while still staring at the cleavage of the medic working on him, and wanting to say dirty things to her even though he doesn't have the strength to talk.

The book handles women poorly in general, seeming to go out of its way to describe various women as "attractive" and little else, which is not only feels a bit sexist but is a rather lazy way to avoid actually describing the physical features of the characters in any detail. For a series that spawned Ellen Ripley, one of the greatest leading ladies in sci-fi history, it's sad seeing the female members of the cast handled in such a flat, immature manner.

Speaking of Ripley, even she is damaged by this book, as the story foolishly elevates her and her entire family line to the status of "Destroyer," hated by the entire xenomorph race for generations. Like the bemoaned midi-chlorians that plagued the Star Wars prequels and ruined the hopes of every fan that dreamed of being a Jedi, tearing Ripley away from her blue-collar roots and making the Ripley family into some sort of race of destined warriors ruins her connection to the everyman (everywoman?) and turns her whole lineage into ridiculous superheroes.

But back to Decker. His failure as a main character radiates intensely enough to harm the story as a whole. You see, Decker is an empath, meaning he's able to sense the emotions of others--humans *and* aliens. Not only is this supernatural nonsense out of place in the grungy, realistic, tactile Alien universe, this leads to scads of awkward, blunt writing, where Decker merely *states* how other characters are feeling instead of letting the readers pick up on context themselves. It also results in a lot of panic attacks as the outside emotions overtake him. A LOT of panic attacks. A tiresome amount of panic attacks. But the most grievous sin: This power lets Decker know when the aliens are going to strike. It's difficult to get wrapped up in suspense and paranoia when the book is basically telling you, "Hey, something's about to jump out now. You should be scared."

Not that there would be much to be scared of even without the prior warning. Like in so many unfortunate video game incarnations, the aliens themselves have lost a good deal of their punch and end up as cannon fodder far too often. Sure, they still kill a lot of people, but these are not the same aliens that repeatedly forced a group of well-armed Colonial Marines into retreat time and time again back on LV-426. In the book, one battle against a massive horde of aliens is literally won by a character standing in one place and holding down the trigger on their gun until all of the aliens die. Really. The tension flies out the window when you know the heroes can just blast everything to bits with their seemingly endless supplies of ammunition.

The experience isn't completely dire, however. In a surprisingly well-done storytelling mechanic, the action is spread out across various teams working at the colony, letting events unfold from several different viewpoints simultaneously. It should come as no shock that things get a lot more riveting when the action pulls away from Decker, towards the other characters who are genuinely vulnerable and don't have alien-detecting spidey sense (even if they're still extremely thin on characterization).

Still, in the end, there's very little that makes this book worthwhile. It fails to shed much light on aspects of the Alien mythos you didn't already know about (aside from the stupid Ripley "Destroyer" thing, and a brief mention of the aftermath of the Auriga crash), and simply isn't scary enough, surprising enough, exciting enough and doesn't have interesting enough characters for it to stand on its own. If you're desperately craving some sci-fi action, no matter how trite or derivative, Alien: Sea of Sorrows is easy enough to digest. Otherwise, this is strictly for the Alien completionist who must have everything the series offers.

7 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
the rest of the novel is pretty darn good
By Kaisersoze
Though this is the second in a new trilogy of novels set in the Aliens universe, Sea of Sorrows only ties in with Tim Lebbon's opening novel Alien: Out of the Shadows insofar as it has a common setting. But the action takes place about 300 years after the events of that novel, ensuring there are no repeat characters to follow along for the ride. Instead, we get Decker, who, as the blurb reveals, is a descendent of Ellen Ripley. This means that the Aliens harbour a particularly impressive grudge against him as they somehow know he is a descendent of Ripley - the human they identify as The Destroyer - and feel an all compelling desire to rend him limb from limb...

So, yeah. This book is basically the futuristic version of Jaws: The Revenge.

If you can manage to make your mind suspend its disbelief past this point, the rest of the novel is pretty darn good. The writing is decent, the set up is good, and the action set pieces are more varied than that of the previous novel. All the Aliens tropes are also in place: Ill-advised effort to capture the aliens by Weland-Yutani? Check. Reluctant guide who knows more than the fighting types he's going to accompany into the lair? Check. Shady bureaucrat who is only concerned with profit and his/her own safety? Check and check (there are two). Mayhem and slaughter with an increasingly small cast trying to get out of said lair alive? Check. It's like Moore took the film Aliens and wrapped it in a slightly varied outer shell of goodness, so if you liked that, you're not going to go far wrong with this.

My issues are small but significant with the primary among them being the cast is simply too large. Only a few of the mercenaries that accompany Decker down the mine shaft are detailed enough to be discernible; some have a single character trait that is meant to define them (eg. Silent Dave); others get introduced and a character point is emphasised only to go nowhere (eg. Piotrowicz and his recording of everything for money). Then there is the ending, which though it wraps up the events on New Galveston in an acceptable way, leaves several plot threads hanging. Given the next book goes back to provide more detail the aliens on LV-426, I was hoping for something a bit more final here. I can't even hope the survivors of Sea of Sorrows might tie into events of Alien: Resurrection since the dates between this book and that film don't match up (the book taking place about a hundred years after the film). Hence, some frustration on my behalf ...

Recommended to anyone who is also a fan of the Aliens universe.

3.5 Malfunctioning Mining Lifts for Sea of Sorrows.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
The bad thing about this is that so much of what ...
By Sean
This was an enjoyable read overall. But...as other readers have pointed out, no new real territory was covered. In fact, a lot of metaphorical and literal territory is tread upon again.

The book follows a basic formula set by the film franchise (particularly Aliens and Alien Resurrection): Hubris filled characters seek to destroy/capture/exploit the xenomorphs and get their hindquarters kicked in the initial phase of the operation, everything falls apart and the plot turns into a race to survive the alien onslaught and escape the colony/ship. Underlying everything is a corporate or military entity whose greed is eventually responsible for the failure of the mission and a betrayal.

The bad thing about this is that so much of what happens in this novel is very predictable. No real shockers here or any plot twists. The good thing is...well, it give a lot of what the franchise is known for and what makes it great in the first place (gruesome deaths at the claws of vicious yet crafty monsters).

In this novel, a thumbnail sketch of the premise is that Weyland-Yutani is back in business and still wants live xenomorphs for its bio-weapons division. They hire a platoon sized group of mercenaries to head out to a colonized, terraformed planet in where an ancient alien ship and city (and abandoned mining facility) has been found under the planet's surface. Caught up in all this is a minor official from the International Commerce Commission named Alan Decker, who is both a mild empathy and a very distant relative of Ellen Ripley. Decker runs afoul of the W-Y company who, wanting him for his very mild empathic abilities, "leverage" him into accompanying the mercenaries to capture an alien.

The story is pretty straightforward and, once the mission gets underway and underground, is pretty well paced. I did enjoy the story as it hit all the touchstones in the alien universe. The empathic abilities of Decker were interesting. It felt right that they were underdeveloped somewhat and no more use than basically a tripwire to warn of approaching danger. As a new ability manifesting in mankind slowly it felt appropriate that it would be wielded like an unfamiliar, unsharpened tool.

One of the things that took away from my enjoyment of the book was how little character development there was. I felt the book would have been a little better if the author had focused a bit more tightly on a select number of characters than try and span the large number of people involved in the mission and touch on many just a little. Along with Decker there are thirty-six mercenaries, a group of seven scientists examining the alien ship and a few miscellaneous W-Y and colonial representatives topside on the planet. More than 50 characters and the author names them all and drops some minor development of some of the supporting characters (just enough to barely distinguish them from each other when the slaughter begins). It felt like the author was spreading himself thinly across the cast.

Side note to this: The author makes mention a good number of times of the exact number of mercs on the mission yet by the end of the book I felt like had named more than three dozen. And I was right. A quick review of the book showed he had named forty-one. A minor issue but it bothered me like the poor editing of Alien 3 bothered fans of the films.

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Alien: Sea of Sorrows (Novel #2), by James A. Moore PDF

Alien: Sea of Sorrows (Novel #2), by James A. Moore PDF
Alien: Sea of Sorrows (Novel #2), by James A. Moore PDF

Selasa, 28 September 2010

[F657.Ebook] PDF Download Resurrection Men: An Inspector Rebus Novel, by Ian Rankin

PDF Download Resurrection Men: An Inspector Rebus Novel, by Ian Rankin

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Resurrection Men: An Inspector Rebus Novel, by Ian Rankin

Resurrection Men: An Inspector Rebus Novel, by Ian Rankin

Resurrection Men: An Inspector Rebus Novel, by Ian Rankin

PDF Download Resurrection Men: An Inspector Rebus Novel, by Ian Rankin

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Resurrection Men: An Inspector Rebus Novel, by Ian Rankin

Inspector John Rebus has messed up badly this time, so badly that he's been sent to a kind of reform school for damaged cops. While there among the last-chancers known as "resurrection men," he joins a covert mission to gain evidence of a drug heist orchestrated by three of his classmates. But the group has been assigned an unsolved murder that may have resulted from Rebus's own mistake. Now Rebus can't determine if he's been set up for a fall or if his disgraced classmates are as ruthless as he suspects.

When Detective Sergeant Siobhan Clarke discovers that her investigation of an art dealer's murder is tied to Rebus's inquiry, the two-prot�g� and mentor-join forces. Soon they find themselves in the midst of an even bigger scandal than they had imagined-a plot with conspirators in every corner of Scotland and deadly implications about their colleagues.

With the brilliant eye for character and place that earned him the name "the Dickens of Edinburgh," Ian Rankin delivers a page-turning novel of intricate suspense.

  • Sales Rank: #1051618 in Books
  • Published on: 2003-02
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.50" h x 1.50" w x 6.50" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 436 pages

Amazon.com Review
Like Edinburgh inspector John Rebus, the resurrection men of the title are treading on thin ice--they've all been sent to a short course at the Scottish Police College because they've failed in some way, generally "an issue with authority." Rebus has been known to have issues of that nature before, which only boosts his credibility with the other cops in attendance, suspected by their bosses of being on the wrong side of the fence, on the take, or even guilty of murder on several previous occasions. The dour Inspector's agenda aims to bring the higher-ups proof of the so-called Wild Bunch's nefarious activities; in the process, his own conduct in the old case he and his college classmates must rework and revisit comes under scrutiny. A solid police procedural whose protagonist, the hero of 14 other titles in this internationally acclaimed series, continues to grow on readers who are just discovering him. --Jane Adams

From Publishers Weekly
Rankin's moody Inspector John Rebus, unorthodox pride of the Edinburgh police, begins this latest installment in hot water. He's been sent back to the police college for "retraining," with a group of other "resurrection men," for throwing a cup of coffee at a superior in a moment of frustration. It soon becomes clear, however, that the police brass have their own agenda for Rebus. Some of his fellow officers are suspected of being on the take, and it's his mission-should he accept it-to try to infiltrate their schemes, perhaps even encourage them. Meanwhile, a murder he and the edgy Det. Sergeant Siobhan Clarke have been investigating has turned up some curious links with an apparently Teflon crime boss Rebus has been after for years. The two cases gradually come together in Rankin's skillfully woven plotting, full of his trademark tough, oblique dialogue and sudden moments of touching warmth. The book's only drawbacks are that it seems a little overextended, and that the final bloody climax lacks something in conviction, if not in tension. This isn't one of Rankin's top efforts, but even coasting, he leaves most police procedurals at the gate.
Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Library Journal
A top author in the UK, where he sells more than Stephen King or John Grisham, Rankin cooks up more trouble for Inspector John Rebus. This time, the disgraced Rebus is trying to solve a murder he unwittingly may have caused when he realizes that a protege's case may be related. The publisher hopes to break out Rankin with this title, so expect big publicity.
Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Most helpful customer reviews

37 of 38 people found the following review helpful.
a truly wonderful reading experience
By tregatt
In a moment of pure frustration, DI Rebus throws a mug of tea at his superior DCS Gill Templer. This action causes him to be removed from the Marber murder inquiry (Edward Marber was a successful Edinburgh art dealer who was brutally murdered outside his residence), and sent to Tulliallan Police College for counseling and a refresher's course on how to be a better police officer. There, he meets other officers who have all been sent up for the same reasons -- an inability to deal with authority and proper police procedure -- the Resurrection Men (or the Wild Men depending on who you're talking to) who have all been given this one last chance to pull up their socks and rescue what's left of their careers.
As part of their rehabilitation, the Resurrection Men have been given a cold case to investigate -- the murder of Eric Lomax, a vicious small time crook who was beaten to death sometime in 1995. The point of this exercise is to go over (again) the previous inquiry and to understand where that initial investigation had gone wrong, see if any new leads can be further developed, and to see if they can all work together as a team and actually get a result. Hindering this current investigation however are secrets that some of the Resurrection Men have pertaining to the original investigation -- Rebus included. Will these secrets come back to haunt these officers? Will the secrets actually affect the current investigation? More worrying for Rebus however is the sinking feeling that any time now someone will discover his particular secret, and that he will really have to face the music for having crossed the line that fateful day in 1995...
"The Resurrection Men" proved to be quite to read. Ian Rankin does a wonderful job of painting in Rebus's feeling of paranoia and loneliness as he tries to do his job as well as make sure that no one ever discovers what he did back then. Also nicely done was the manner in which Rankin seamlessly sews together the three subplots -- the subplot involving the Resurrection Men's reexamination of the Lomax murder; DS Siobhan Clark's investigation of the Marber murder; and a third subplot involving Rebus that I will not go into so as to enter into the realm of plot spoilers. And even though I expected that all these subplots would suddenly come together with a bang, waiting to see how Rankin would actually achieve this was still a treat. Some resolutions I expected but some still surprised me (in a good way, that is).
Well written, with strong character developments and a plot that unfolded smoothly and with nice tight pacing, "The Resurrection Men" was fun to read and should not be missed.

20 of 20 people found the following review helpful.
This Is A Great Time To Meet John Rebus, If You Haven't Yet
By Bookreporter
Inspector John Rebus has outdone even his own previous record for behaving badly --- he threw a cup of tea at DCS Gill Templer and got himself sent back to the police academy for some remedial lessons in playing well with others. Those who know Rebus well from previous books about him by Ian Rankin (this is the 14th, plus a novella) will be skeptical that this old Scottish dog can take on any new tricks --- and those who haven't yet had the pleasure are well advised to make his acquaintance very soon.
The Resurrection Men, as they are collectively called, is a group that, like Rebus, is being given one last chance to behave, or be tossed out of their various precincts. That's on the surface. Beneath the surface, it's not so simple. There are, as you might expect, shades within shades of bad cop behavior. Some difficult cops are worse than others --- that's the real problem Rebus takes on in this complexly plotted novel.
There are really three stories here, two of them are about crime (one past, one present) and the other is the ongoing, absorbing tale of Rebus's personal life, which has taken a new turn since the book just previous, THE FALLS. Our Scots Detective Inspector has, no matter how improbably, entered a relationship with an interesting woman of his own age named Jean Burchill. Jean works as a curator in a museum in Edinburgh; she can hold her own and doesn't take any guff off anybody, including John Rebus. His sudden remand to the police academy, with its outside-Edinburgh location, together with his having to maintain a certain amount of secrecy, soon puts the new relationship at risk. Dealing with this personal problem, Rebus gains new depth to his personality. It's painful. There's nothing easy about these things, ever, especially for Rebus.
The remedial instructor at the academy assigns the group of Resurrection Men a cold case, ostensibly as an exercise to teach them to work as a team. Each of the six men has had difficulty with teamwork in the past --- but three of them, as Rebus gets to know them better, appear to have some prior connection they're keeping mum about. The cold case assignment deals with an unprosecuted murder, some years earlier, of Rico Lomax, a thoroughly bad sort of man who took others down with him. It's a case in which Rebus was more involved than he wants to admit and one he does not like to remember. As their investigation deepens, Rebus begins to wonder if someone at Headquarters has set him up, if they may not be using this old case as a means to drive him off the police force once and for all.
Meanwhile, back at the home precinct, DS Siobhan Clarke continues to work on the case of Edward Marber, a murdered art dealer; she was partnered with a new recruit, DC Hynds, when Rebus was shipped off to Tulliallan (the academy). Some years his junior, Siobhan is perhaps too much like Rebus in personality for her own good. He has trouble letting go of the Marber case and she is more than willing to consult him behind the scenes, thus keeping him involved. As the Marber investigation goes broader and deeper, some of the same personalities who were involved in the old Lomax case begin to surface as players in the new case as well. Lines begin to cross and the Resurrection Men begin to behave very badly indeed.
One does not read a Rebus novel solely for the plot, though in this book there is plot enough and more besides. Rather, one reads Ian Rankin for the totality of the experience, which is as much sensual as it is intellectual. Rankin gives us all of Edinburgh, of today's Scotland, in his novels -- much more so than any other novelist working at present. We get the sounds, the smells, the taste, the feel of the weather, of the nights, of the very air on the skin. With it all, we too have the enormous privilege of getting to know John Rebus. I have no words to adequately describe this remarkable character --- Rebus is a man you must know for yourself.
--- Reviewed by Ava Dianne Day

21 of 22 people found the following review helpful.
Detective John Rebus at his best!!!
By prisrob
Detective John Rebus goes "under" at the request of his superiors to find the "dirty cops" in this Scottish novel.
This is superb writing, you get the feel of the characters, are inside their minds editing as they speak and wondering as they do what will happen next. I have read enough mysteries that I can often guess the ending- this story was more subtle and more exciting- a great, great read...

See all 105 customer reviews...

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Resurrection Men: An Inspector Rebus Novel, by Ian Rankin PDF
Resurrection Men: An Inspector Rebus Novel, by Ian Rankin PDF

Minggu, 26 September 2010

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PHP: The Complete Reference, by Steven Holzner

PHP: The Complete Reference, by Steven Holzner

PHP: The Complete Reference, by Steven Holzner

Ebook Free PHP: The Complete Reference, by Steven Holzner

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PHP: The Complete Reference, by Steven Holzner

Your One-Stop Guide to Web Development with PHP--Covers PHP 5.2

Build dynamic, cross-browser Web applications with PHP--the server-side programming language that's taken the Internet by storm. Through detailed explanations and downloadable code examples, this comprehensive guide shows you, step-by-step, how to configure PHP, create PHP-enabled Web pages, and put every advanced development tool to work.

PHP: The Complete Reference explains how to personalize the PHP work space, define operators and variables, manipulate strings and arrays, deploy HTML forms and buttons, and process user input. You'll learn how to access database information, track client-side preferences using cookies, execute FTP and e-mail transactions, and publish your applications to the Web. You'll also get in-depth coverage of PHP's next-generation Web 2.0 design features, including AJAX, XML, and RSS.

  • Install PHP and set up a customized development environment
  • Work with variables, operators, loops, strings, arrays, and functions
  • Integrate HTML controls, text fields, forms, radio buttons, and checkboxes
  • Accept and validate user-entered data from Web pages
  • Simplify programming using PHP's object-oriented tools
  • Build blogs, guest books, and feedback pages with server-side file storage
  • Write MySQL scripts that retrieve, modify, and update database information
  • Set cookies, perform FTP transactions, and send e-mails from PHP sessions
  • Build AJAX-enabled Web pages
  • Draw graphics on the server
  • Create XML components and add RSS feeds

  • Sales Rank: #1182550 in Books
  • Published on: 2007-12-31
  • Released on: 2007-12-10
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.10" h x 1.22" w x 7.30" l, 2.40 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 590 pages

About the Author

Steven Holzner is the award-winning author of more than 100 computer books, including a number of bestsellers on PHP. He's been a contributing editor for PC Magazine, teaches programming classes at Fortune 500 companies, and has been on the faculty at Cornell University and MIT.

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
[NOT SO] Complete Reference
By Lee Howard
PHP, The Complete Reference may be a good book to start learning from. In addition, it does touch on most of the major topics.

However, calling it "Complete" is a joke. I have been writing software for over 40 years, and this is the first language "reference" book I have found that does not fully describe the built-in functions supported by the language. For example, on pages 82-84 the author lists about 100 string functions in a 2 column table. The first column is the function name, and the 2nd column is a single phrase that states the purpose of the function. No syntax is shown, no arguments, no return value information and no usage information. In the few pages that follow, there are in-line examples of a couple of the 90+ functions.

The same is true for other groups of functions. Having to go online to find out information that should be in a "complete reference" obviates the need for a book. At the price charged for this book, you'd be better off using the abundant information available online.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Gerald D Schure
I was very happy with this item. It meet my expectations and work as described.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By bigdaddydogdeluxe
This was the easiest to understand 'learn by example' PHP book I could find.

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Kamis, 16 September 2010

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Black Box, by Joe Hill

  • Sales Rank: #11872075 in Books
  • Published on: 2008-01-31
  • Original language: German
  • Dimensions: 7.48" h x 1.34" w x 4.65" l,
  • Binding: Paperback

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Rabu, 15 September 2010

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The Capital Budgeting Decision: Economic Analysis and Financing of Investment Projects, by Harold Bierman

Capital Budgeting Decision

  • Sales Rank: #5090068 in Books
  • Published on: 1975-03
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 496 pages

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Mr. 365, by Ruth Clampett

A different kind of holiday story...

When television producer Sophia is assigned to convince Christmas fanatic Will to be on their reality show, she imagines him to be an oddball momma’s boy wearing a reindeer sweater. What she doesn’t expect is the handsome, mysterious man who captures her attention, and seems determined to win her heart.

Their attraction is undeniable, and as charming Sophia convinces Will to work with her, she slowly unwraps the secrets in his past that make this determined and soulful man still yearn for the childhood he never had.

When the chaos of production starts, will Sophia be able to keep her promises to protect Will from being exploited, or will the bitter truth of reality television be a runaway train of disaster for both of them?

Join Sophia, Will and his dog Romeo to enter the world of his enchanting house where stars shine indoors and snow is always falling…365 days of the year.

(sexy content-readers 18 and over please)

  • Sales Rank: #401741 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-12-08
  • Released on: 2013-12-08
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Ruth Clampett, daughter of legendary animation director, Bob Clampett, has spent a lifetime surrounded by art and animation. A graduate of Art Center College of Design, her careers have included graphic design, photography, VP of Design for WB Stores and teaching photography at UCLA. She now runs her own studio as the fine art publisher for Warner Bros. where she’s had the opportunity to know and work with many of the greatest artists in the world of animation and comics. Mr. 365 is Ruth’s second novel and is inspired by her varied experiences in the television world from winning big on a game show, to guest hosting on the QVC shopping network, to sharing a studio with a production team that produced early reality television. Her first novel, Animate Me, is a contemporary romance set in the animation world. She lives in Los Angeles and is heavily supervised by her teenage daughter, lovingly referred to as Snarky, who helps her plan and execute their yearly Christmas extravaganza.

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Mr 365 a sexy fun story that you want to read every day!
Mr. 365 is the fun new novel by Ruth Clampett and a must read! Will is a man with a love of all things Christmas to the point that the inside of his house is spectacularly decorated all year long. Sophia is a na�ve new reality producer given the job of getting the often refusing will to agree to be on Tru- Blue network’s holiday special. When they meet sparks fly and Will agrees to be featured as long as Sophia promises that it will be an honest portrayal of what he does. However, due the ruthless nature of the reality TV world, crazy and dangerous neighbors the story takes some stressful and mildly angsty twists and turns. As is her form Ms. Clampett gets our beloved characters back on track with humor and honesty and we do get our happy holiday ending.
I loved the characters in this book. The story of Will and Sophia is what made this a book I could not put down and I did read it in one night! Sophia is a strong and intelligent although somewhat idealistic woman who due to the realities of life (paying off college loan paying rent )makes choices in her life journey that are not true to who she is. Fortunately, she realizes that it is important to do what is right and follow her dreams no matter how difficult it may be in the short term. Will fights the demons and sadness of his youth while trying to desperately hold on to the only joy he remembers –Christmas. He is also a good hearted man who helps the homeless and donates to families in need. In their time together and apart as their relationship grows (and falls apart at times) we see them grow as individuals and as a couple. They were both able to use their inner qualities to help them through difficult times. This is so perfectly described by Will’s discussion of his tattoo. “It’s a reminder that like a tree’s roots, we have vast inner resources under the surface that can lend wisdom and stability no matter what shit is going down around us. That idea has gotten me through some rough times.” In addition to the main characters there were many support characters that made the story even more enjoyable My favorite was Will’s dog Romeo, with a very interesting habit ,who falls in love with Sophia as well.
Ms. Clampett writes with such great humor. Many times I was just laughing out loud. She also writes some very hot romance. Finally her use of words is just so wonderful that I had to go back and read some parts over and over again-(“I feel like a kite in the wind and you’re slowly pulling me in” and “He wraps his arm around my waist tying us together like a Christmas present.”)
Mr. 365 is a great book for the holidays but also anytime you want a modern day love story. Give it to everyone on your Christmas list. They will thank you for the gift! I can’t wait for more from Ruth Clampett!

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Great Story for everyone!
By Christina Evans
OK, First I have to say I rarely review books in writing. I just don't consider myself a good enough writer to get my true feelings about a story on paper so to speak. I have only reviewed three other books in my life this will be my fourth and second for this author. Ruth Clampett completely gets her audience. She knows exactly how to write a story that pulls you into it and makes you feel like you are a friend having coffee with the characters. You actually can see yourself in the story being friends with these characters.

Sometimes when you read a book it can take a few chapters if not more to get into the story but not with this book. Within the first chapter you already are so interested in what will happen next that you can not put the book down. The introduction is an amazing set up for the entire story and really grabs you so to speak. By the time you finish the second chapter you can not help but be in love with the two main characters Sophia and Will.

Now when I first heard the story line for this book I thought to myself, how can an entire book be about a character that loves Christmas so much he celebrates it 365 day of the year? I thought it would take some pretty fancy writing to keep the audience involved in the story and to also fall in love with the characters and route for them to win. But having read Ruth Clampett's first book "Animate Me" I was pretty sure she could pull it off. Well let me tell you she does more than pull it off, she writes an AMAZING story about Christmas that even the die hard non Christmas fan would have a hard time not liking. She doesn't throw Christmas into the story in a way that is overboard or over whelming. Its just the right amount and brings about that good warm feeling most of us experience around the holidays. The only difference is she makes you believe that warm feeling can be year round.

I completely fell in love with these characters and could see myself being their friends. Its a really great story. I loved every twist and turn and would love to see where they are in 10 years. If your looking for a new book to read that will grab your attention from page one and keep you wanting more until the last page this is the book for you. I promise you will not be disappointed and will be on the look out for her next book after reading this one. Ruth Clampett will become one of your favorite authors after you read this book and you will eagerly want for her next book. So what are you waiting for go get MR 365 right now and join me in meeting Sophia and Will and falling in love with them. I promise you will not be disappointed.

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
5 Stars for Mr. Christmas!!
By Steph's Sexy Reads
I received an ARC of this book for my honest opinion.

Newbie TV producer Sophie is covering a TV reality program about people who celebrate holidays in an over-the-top fashion.

Will (aka Mr. Christmas), decorates his home Christmas themed and hands out Christmas ornaments 365 days a year.

Sophie's job is to reel Will in and partake in the reality show.

From the moment Sophie and Will meet to discuss him agreeing to do the show, Sophie is enamored by his handsomeness.

Will is taken back by Sophie's beauty. It was an instant attraction.

Their flirty banter has the reader smiling and instantly drawn in.

Will is not the crazy guy people seem to think he would be. He helps the homeless and disadvantaged children. He has a great heart and does this to bring joy in other's lives.

The story of Will's past, has you emotionally invested in the story and you can't help but be enraptured by Will and his little dog Romeo.

Sophie says it perfectly - "Will is like a Russian nesting doll. He has all these layers to him - the charmer, the wounded child, the holiday over-doer - getting smaller and smaller until the last doll. Will's true self." You desperately want to know all of Will's backstory, and the more you do, the more it tugs at your heart.

Ms. Clampett is a smart and witty writer, who has a way of magnetically drawing you in. The story is a great read and I will definitely be recommending Mr. 365 to everyone. There are two quotes that I saved, that will forever be a part of me, and I hope you will love Sophie and Will 365 days, just like I know I have.

I give this book five stars and can't wait for more from Ruth Clampett!

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Minggu, 12 September 2010

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Cartooning: The Ultimate Character Design Book, by Christopher Hart

Chris Hart’s how-to-draw books have sold in the several millions of copies. Now, in his latest, he delivers detailed instructions, inspiring ideas, and invaluable tips for creating appealing and original manga-style characters. Character design is the key to success in comic books and animated films, and with this clear step-by-step guide, it’s a skill that can be quickly learned. Starting with the basics—body types, facial features, costumes, and expressions—Chris shows how to draw a hyper kid, bratty teen, lovable pooch, cool rapper, and many other distinctive types. Then, he takes the reader on a guided tour in search of original characters in places that range from suburban malls to the glitter and glamour of Hollywood and Beverly Hills.

  • Sales Rank: #25185 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Chris Hart Books
  • Published on: 2008-05-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.90" h x .50" w x 8.40" l, .98 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 144 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Funny sells
Really appreciate the humor that pervades the delightful cartoons in this book. It plays on stereotypes like the suburban soccer mom and dissects the details behind character design with classic types of characters, sections highlighting each facial feature, and versions of the same characters showing different emotional expression. I like that the text is brief, uplifting in its humor, and unobtrusive enough to let the visual guides take up the most space.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Very cool idea book
By Amazon Customer
I have been a frustrated cartoonist since I was six. In my professional career, I have attempted to use cartoons to illustrate points in presentations and marketing pieces. This book gave me the pointers to make my doodles come to life with much more impact. It was well organized and brought into focus concepts that were evading my attempts to draw my own cartoons. The book made the "secrets" seem obvious and simple. This is a must have for anyone who wants their doodles to do more than just decorate the margins of their notes.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
It really IS the Ultimate Character Design Book
By paulpatter
This book is a five-star winner because it is packed with "how to draw" cartoons. There isn't a facial expression or posture or character that isn't covered. Moreover the illustrations are crystal clear. I love everything about the book. To my mind, it's perfect.
Anyone who is serious about learning how to draw cartoons will hit gold with this publication.

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Cartooning: The Ultimate Character Design Book, by Christopher Hart PDF
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Cartooning: The Ultimate Character Design Book, by Christopher Hart PDF

Cartooning: The Ultimate Character Design Book, by Christopher Hart PDF
Cartooning: The Ultimate Character Design Book, by Christopher Hart PDF

Kamis, 09 September 2010

[W165.Ebook] PDF Download Teach Yourself Physics, by Jim Breithaupt

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Teach Yourself Physics, by Jim Breithaupt

Teach Yourself Physics, by Jim Breithaupt

Teach Yourself Physics, by Jim Breithaupt

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Teach Yourself Physics, by Jim Breithaupt


This comprehensive introduction to the main branches of physics is specifically targeted to those who have no prior knowledge of the subject. Easy-to-follow diagrams and clear, concise examples help newcomers grasp major concepts and essential formulas. The text highlights important recent discoveries in physics and relates scientific theories to familiar and practical situations.

  • Sales Rank: #2381440 in Books
  • Published on: 2002-07-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.70" h x .63" w x 5.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 240 pages

About the Author
McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide

Most helpful customer reviews

42 of 45 people found the following review helpful.
I made a mistake. Don't make the same one yourself.
By E. R. Hunt
I cannot warn you strongly enough against buying this book. Were it possible, I would rate this at 0 stars. Supposedly it is written by an experienced professor and lecturer. If this is in fact true, I hope he no longer is employed by any reputable university. As a sophomore who has been away from school for some time, I bought this sight unseen from Amazon.com, intending to use it as a refresher prior to the end of my military service and before I re-entered college. I have found it riddled with factual errors, lacking in its depth and misguided in its focus.
The book attempts to introduce the reader to chemistry, then produces a table with the first 11 elements and their valences, leaving the rest unknown. It does the same for molecular physics, then states that an electron is 2000 times more massive than a proton. It touches on astronomy, then claims the Grand Canyon was created by a meteorite impact. It tries to discuss Einstein's concept of space-time, but does absolutely nothing for relating the actual formulae or demonstrating the concept in any way to help the reader understand it. The book does however waste the paper to discuss what would happen if the sun's mass was turned into a black hole, and how even though Sol's mass is unchanged, it would mysteriously begin sucking in nearby stars. It talks about the speed of light and refraction through a clear substance, then mentions two theories, one which claims light travels slower through denser materials, one which claims light moves faster- and never states which is correct.
Patrick from Sydney apparently meant to review another book, because this is certainly not a 500 page textbook. The 240 pages of material are in a comfortably large font, with little enough real information that each chapter can be read without difficulty in about the same time it takes to read a magazine article. There is no math beyond the most basic of algebra, with a single page devoted to the definition of sine, cosine and tangent so that Snell's law of refraction can even be brought up. The primary focus of this book seems to be a cursorary history of physics, but I would prefer reading a decent encyclopedia's individual entries than the thin overview presented in "Teach Yourself Physics." For the irrelevant discussion on the future of power generation in England and "blue sky research" that was out of date when this book went to the publisher, I would rather pick up a copy of Nature, Smithsonian or Omni.
I thoroughly regret wasting my money and time on this book and urge you not to do so as well.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
teach youself physics
i expected an in depth look in to physics like the one on teach yourself calculus but instead it is a grammar school intro that has no depth or math

1 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
no book
By Wilbur Wright
Iguess it would be "OK" however, I can't review becasue I never recieved the book from the amazon vendor.

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Selasa, 07 September 2010

[N948.Ebook] Ebook Human Relations, by Lamberton

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Human Relations, by Lamberton

Human Relations: Strategies for Success 5e by Lowell Lamberton and Leslie Minor will help you prepare for this changing world. This text covers time-tested, research-based social science and management principles, as well as newer theories and philosophies of human relations drawn from management theory, group theory, personality theory, and relationship theory. More than ever, effective human relations skills are crucial to business success as organizations grow and compete in a global business environment. Employees must have the knowledge and skill to adapt to a workplace where change is frequent and inevitable.

Their commitment to the creation of a book that is at once interesting to read, motivating to study, and relevant to a wide variety has been the driving force behind Human Relations: Strategies for Success.

  • Sales Rank: #171255 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-10-25
  • Released on: 2013-10-25
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Same material different edition
By Yon
I have the 4th edition and I actually compared it to the 5th edition. My findings after comparing the table of contents then actually going to the university bookstore, I found the 5th edition has less pages due to the authors combining a few of the chapters. All of the chapters of 4th edition are pretty much the same, just moved up, down or combined, to make the 5th edition. Saved myself a lot of money. Purchase the 5th edition if you don't feel like comparing the two books or that's just your choice. I listed the comparison below for your follow-up review, I hope it helps.

5th Edition Table of Contents:

Part One: Human Relations and You... (same as 4th ed)
Chapter 1: Human Relations: A Background... (same as 4th ed)
Chapter 2: Self-Concept and Self-Esteem in Human Relations... (same as 4th ed)
Chapter 3: Self-Awareness and Self-Disclosure... (same as 4th ed)
Chapter 4: Attitudes and Values in Human Relations... (combined chapters of 4 & 5 of the 4th ed)
Chapter 5: Motivation: Increasing Productivity... (chap 6 of 4th ed)

Part Two: Human Relations in Groups... (same as 4th ed)
Chapter 6: Communication and Human Relations... (chap 7 of 4th ed)
Chapter 7: People, Groups, and Teams... (combined chapters of 7 & 8 of 4th ed)
Chapter 8: Achieving Emotional Control... (chap 10 of 4th ed)

Part Three: Building Your Human Relations Skills...(same as 4th ed)
Chapter 9: Individual and Organizational Change ... (chap 11 of 4th ed)
Chapter 10: Creativity and Human Relations ...(chap 12 of 4th ed)
Chapter 11: Conflict Management ... (chap 13 of 4th ed)
Chapter 12: Stress and Stress Management ... (chap 14 of 4th ed)
Chapter 13: Your External and Internal Customers ... (chap 15 of 4th ed)

Part Four: Thriving in a Changing World ... (same as 4th ed)
Chapter 14: Human Relations in a World of Diversity... (chap 16 of 4th ed)
Chapter 15: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility...(chap 17 of 4th ed)
Chapter 16: Maintaining Workplace Health and Success ...(combined chap 18 & 19 of 4th ed)

There may be a few words that have been deleted from the 5th edition, but what I found so far is the content is the same. But always follow your spirit when making purchases. I sure did after doing my research and what was requested for my class. Good luck and happy reading!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I really liked the book
By MizMikk
This was the textbook for my MKTG 1960 class. I really liked the book. Each chapter featured real life case studies, and sections called Working it Out, with scenarios for me as a student to put into action the principles taught in the chapter.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Easy learning
By Artamiss98
One of the easy textbooks to understand and you can actually relate to real life situations.

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Human Relations, by Lamberton PDF
Human Relations, by Lamberton PDF

[I620.Ebook] Download PDF The Stamp Act Crisis: Prologue to Revolution (Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Vi

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The Stamp Act Crisis: Prologue to Revolution (Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Vi

  • Published on: 1707
  • Binding: Paperback

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The Stamp Act Crisis: Prologue to Revolution (Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Vi PDF
The Stamp Act Crisis: Prologue to Revolution (Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Vi PDF