Selasa, 30 November 2010

[Q146.Ebook] Fee Download Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: A Few Might Even Be True, by Robert Ehrlich

Fee Download Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: A Few Might Even Be True, by Robert Ehrlich

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Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: A Few Might Even Be True, by Robert Ehrlich

Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: A Few Might Even Be True, by Robert Ehrlich

Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: A Few Might Even Be True, by Robert Ehrlich

Fee Download Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: A Few Might Even Be True, by Robert Ehrlich

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Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: A Few Might Even Be True, by Robert Ehrlich

AIDS is not caused by HIV. Coal and oil are not fossil fuels. Radiation exposure is good for you. Distributing more guns reduces crime. These ideas make headlines, but most educated people scoff at them. Yet some of science's most important concepts-from gravity to evolution-have surfaced from the pool of crazy ideas. In fact, a good part of science is distinguishing between useful crazy ideas and those that are just plain nutty. In this book, a well-known physicist with an affinity for odd ideas applies his open mind to nine controversial propositions on topical subjects. Some, it turns out, are considerably lower on the cuckoo scale than others.

Robert Ehrlich evaluates, for the general reader or student, nine seemingly far-out propositions culled from physics, biology, and social science. In the process, he demonstrates in easy-to-understand terms how to weigh an argument, judge someone's use of statistics, identify underlying assumptions, and ferret out secret agendas. His conclusions are sometimes surprising. For instance, he finds that while HIV does cause AIDS and the universe almost certainly started with a big bang, our solar system could have two suns, faster-than-light particles might exist, and time travel can't be ruled out as mere science fiction.

Anyone interested in unorthodox ideas will get a kick out of this book. And, as a fun way of learning how to think like a scientist, it has enormous educational value. Of course, only time will tell whether any of these nine ideas will be the next continental drift--the now orthodox account of the Earth's geology that was for years just a crazy idea.

  • Sales Rank: #1566982 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Princeton University Press
  • Published on: 2002-09-23
  • Released on: 2002-09-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .58" w x 5.50" l, .69 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 256 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

27 of 28 people found the following review helpful.
Interesting, but overly technical in parts
By Dennis Littrell
Do more guns result in less crime? (Or is it the other way around?) Is AIDS caused by HIV? Is sun exposure beneficial? Are low doses of nuclear radiation beneficial? Does the sun have an unseen companion star, the so-called Nemesis hypothesis? Do oil, gas and coal have abiogenetic origins? Is time travel possible? Do faster than light particles exist? Is the Big Bang a cosmologist's fiction?
These are the nine "crazy" ideas George Mason University Professor of Physics Robert Ehrlich examines. He rates the level of craziness of each idea by assigning zero to three "cuckoos." (A fourth cuckoo, meaning "certainly false" is not used.) Some of his conclusions might be surprising. For example, he likes the idea that oil, coal and gas have abiogenetic origins, a view I like as well, but one that goes against the conventional wisdom. He considers the idea that there was no Big Bang as "crazy"(a three cuckoo idea) as the idea that AIDS is not caused by HIV.
This certainly is a great idea for a book. Unfortunately I think Ehrlich spends too much time on the fine points of statistical analysis, especially in the first four chapters, and not enough on the crazy ideas themselves. For example on the possibility that low doses of radiation might be beneficial (Chapter 5) he gives us eleven graphs representing the data from various sources. The graphs require a significant involvement and effort on the part of the reader to appreciate, as does the accompanying analysis. If you are not familiar with statistical terms and ideas, this will be slow going.
At other times, Ehrlich seems unaware of what the reader would like to know. For example, on page 86 he mentions a "group of female workers" who "ingested radium while painting watch dials...when they put the small brushes in their keep them pointed." He goes on to note that the radiation they received was "localized" and therefore "a number of them survived doses that on a whole-body basis would surely have been fatal." However he doesn't say how many women were involved or even give a ballpark figure. He doesn't say how those who did not die suffered. He only shows a graph giving a percentage of workers who had tumors.
In one case, I think that Ehrlich got lost in the data and failed to note the obvious. In the chapter on the possible benefits of sun exposure, he notes that the instance of coronary heart disease is less among people spending more rather than less time in the sun. He concludes that the idea is not crazy (zero cuckoos). I won't argue with that, but I suspect that the lower rates of coronary heart disease by those with more sun exposure is better understood as a result of those same people getting more exercise. Just being out in the sun implies getting more exercise that staying indoors. This is a factor that Ehrlich does not mention. He talks about gardeners being out in the sun more than non-gardeners, but seems unaware that gardening is good exercise!
I am also troubled by any analysis of causation based purely on statistical models. If the instance of lung cancer is twelve times higher among smokers than non-smokers, surely smoking is implicated. However, as in the analysis of violent crime stats in areas with more guns versus areas with fewer (from Chapter Two), the differences are in the order of small percentages. Putting aside statistical measurements of error, the fact is, as Ehrlich rightfully notes, there are so many other factors that are unaccounted for in such data that any conclusion must be taken with the proverbial grain of salt.
Ehrlich admits he has "a strong affinity" (p. 11) for one of the ideas, namely that particles exist that travel faster than the speed of light. But I also think he has other biases that he may not be aware of. His enthusiasm for the possibility of time travel to the past allows him to gloss over and downplay some of the problems. For example on page 171 he notes that "we can say for sure" that "backward time travel that allowed you to kill grandpa is impossible," but he fails to note that this same logic forbids the time traveler from doing anything at all, period. The very physical presence of the time traveler would change something even if it's only at a microscopic level, even if it resulted only in microbial paradoxes! Also, chaos theory's "butterfly effect" might flap its mighty wings, disturbing future events in incalculable ways.
When Ehrlich goes easy on the stats and concentrates on imparting information and explaining in denotative language, he does very well. There is a lot of worthwhile and interesting information here for the general reader. I learned, for example, that the orbit of a planet around a binary star is only stable if the planet is at a great distance from the orbiting stars, or if one of the stars is at a great distance from the planet orbiting the other star (p. 102). Also the reason the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary is referred to as the "K-T" boundary and not the "C-T" is that "C" is already used for the Cambrian period (p. 104).
The latter chapters, especially the one on faster than light particles, were a little too technical for me. I had the sense that Ehrlich was addressing his colleagues rather than the general reader.
This is an interesting book with some controversial conclusions that will be of interest to many people, marred by not being as readable or as accessible as it might have been.

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Good, but flawed.
By Gus the Goldfish
As difficult as a book like this is too science-y, this is the main problem of the book, and it gets progressively worse with each chapter. Not to say that I didn't like the book, I really did, but it was at its strongest when Ehrlich is applying his formidable abilities to more common-place topics than astrophysics.
The analysis in last three chapters (involving time-travel, faster than light particles, and the big bang) was difficult to understand, and I went to one of the top engineering schools in the country. Ok, ok, I failed out, but I'm more likely to understand all of that than the layman.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Nut cracker
By Harry Eagar
Sometimes, not often, crazy scientific theories turn out to be right. Alfred Wegener's 1912 theory of continental drift is one famous example.

Of the nine current crazy theories analyzed by physicist Robert Ehrlich, he judges three to be strong candidates -- he awards them zero "cuckoos."

It would spoil the fun to say which three, but the nine are: more guns mean less crime; AIDS is not caused by HIV; sun exposure is beneficial; low doses of nuclear radiation are beneficial; the solar system has two suns; oil, coal, and gas have abiogenic origins; time travel is possible; faster-than-light particles exist; and there was no Big Bang.

Ehrlich, a writer of gratifying clarity, says he tries to distinguish between crazy theories and nutty ones. The nutty ones are either unscientific (because they are untestable) or violate basic physical laws that are very firmly confirmed, like conservation of energy.

It may not matter much, in daily life, whether the Universe started in a Big Bang or not, but some of the crazy theories have obvious everyday implications, like the one that says sunshine is good for you.

We are bombarded constantly with "scientific" ideas that are not supposed to be crazy but may, in fact, be bogus. The techniques Ehrlich uses to examine these nine far-out ideas are meant to be guides to "how you can sort out the more promising ideas without having to rely on the opinions of experts," equally useful in judging mainstream claims.

In perhaps the only bland statement in the book, he says, "in such areas as the environment and human health, the political biases of proposers may play a large role in how honestly they deal with a controversial idea." No kidding.

A great many of the conundrums presented by these nine crazy ideas concern making sense of statistics, and misrepresented or misunderstood statistics are probably the biggest source of confusion in hot-topic science issues, from global warming to threats to health.

"The human mind has a wonderful ability to see regularities in numerical data, even when none really exist," writes Ehrlich, a professor at George Mason University whose other popularizing books include "Why Toast Lands Jelly-side Down" and "Turning the World Inside Out and 174 Other Simple Physics Demonstrations."

Although "the great majority of strange ideas that are testable are simply wrong," Ehrlich says, "a few might even be true."

There are enough out there that he says he is considering a sequel, "More Crazy Ideas in Science That Might Be True," and he's looking for nominations. (He did write a sequel, "8 Preposterous Propositions," see my review.)

It's a bold physicist who solicits theories -- most have more crank letters than they want -- but Ehrlich's e-mail is

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Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: A Few Might Even Be True, by Robert Ehrlich PDF
Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: A Few Might Even Be True, by Robert Ehrlich PDF

Rabu, 24 November 2010

[I114.Ebook] Download PDF Modern Spatial Econometrics in Practice: A Guide to GeoDa, GeoDaSpace and PySAL, by Luc Anselin, Sergio J. Rey

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Modern Spatial Econometrics in Practice: A Guide to GeoDa, GeoDaSpace and PySAL, by Luc Anselin, Sergio J. Rey

Modern Spatial Econometrics in Practice: A Guide to GeoDa, GeoDaSpace and PySAL, by Luc Anselin, Sergio J. Rey

Modern Spatial Econometrics in Practice: A Guide to GeoDa, GeoDaSpace and PySAL, by Luc Anselin, Sergio J. Rey

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Modern Spatial Econometrics in Practice: A Guide to GeoDa, GeoDaSpace and PySAL, by Luc Anselin, Sergio J. Rey

This book is the definitive user’s guide to the spatial regression functionality in the software packages GeoDa and GeoDaSpace, as well as the spreg module in the PySAL library –-all developed at the GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation. The book provides the techniques to test for and estimate spatial effects in linear regression models, addressing both spatial dependence (spatial autoregressive models) as well as spatial heterogeneity (spatial regimes models). The book also serves as an introduction and a practical guide to spatial econometrics in that it covers the methodological principles and formal results that underlie the various estimation methods, test procedures and model characteristics computed by the software. While the classical maximum likelihood estimation is included, the book’s coverage emphasizes modern techniques based on the principle of generalized method of moments (GMM).

  • Sales Rank: #288621 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-12-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .93" w x 6.00" l, 1.60 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 394 pages

About the Author
Luc Anselin is Regents' Professor and holds the Walter Isard Chair in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University, where he also directs the GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation. He has written widely on spatial data analysis and geographic information science, including the 1988 classic on Spatial Econometrics. He is the developer of the SpaceStat and GeoDa software packages, and of the spreg-GeoDaSpace module in the PySAL software. Sergio J. Rey is Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University, where he is also a member of the Executive Committee of the GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation. His research deals with the development, implementation, and application of advanced methods of spatial and space-time data analysis. He is the creator of the open source package STARS (Space-Time Analysis of Regional Systems) as well as the co-founder and lead developer of the PySAL library.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great book, but paperback version is expensive.
By David Vale
Great book. Just think the paperback version could (and should) be more affordable, as it is a B/W book.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By ziacivil
It is a difficult book but Amazon has nothing to do with it. They send me very quickly.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Excelent book!!
By Luis Quintana-Romero
It's a very good reference for empirical spatial econometrics.

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Modern Spatial Econometrics in Practice: A Guide to GeoDa, GeoDaSpace and PySAL, by Luc Anselin, Sergio J. Rey PDF
Modern Spatial Econometrics in Practice: A Guide to GeoDa, GeoDaSpace and PySAL, by Luc Anselin, Sergio J. Rey PDF

Jumat, 12 November 2010

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THE WITCH OF PRAGUE. A Fantastic Tale., by Francis Marion Crawford

  • Published on: 1891
  • Binding: Hardcover

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Kamis, 04 November 2010

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The Physics of Low-dimensional Semiconductors: An Introduction, by Dr John H. Davies

Low-dimensional systems have revolutionized semiconductor physics and had a tremendous impact on technology. Using simple physical explanations, with reference to examples from actual devices, this book introduces the general principles essential to low-dimensional semiconductors. The author presents a formalism that describes low-dimensional semiconductor systems, studying two key systems in detail: the two-dimensional electron gas, employed in field-effect transistors, and the quantum well, whose optical properties have multiple applications in lasers and other opto-electronic devices. The book will be invaluable to undergraduate and first-year graduate physics or electrical engineering students taking courses in low-dimensional systems or heterostructure device physics.

  • Sales Rank: #1018135 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Cambridge University Press
  • Published on: 1997-12-13
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.96" h x .94" w x 6.97" l, 1.75 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 460 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Davies, University of Glasgow, UK.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Good supplementary to solid state physics
By Emily Hsu
Solid state physics is a complicated and vast subject to understand. This book covers basic concepts regarding to the solid state physics side of semiconductors, without burdening the students of too much math. Straight-forward and easy to understand.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
A first taste of mesoscopic physics
By A Customer
Readable introductions to mesoscopic physics are few and far between, many being either far too simplistic and naive or too mired in formalism. Davies gives clear and lucid discussions of such topics as electron confinement in quantum wells, the integral quantum Hall effect, quantum point contacts, and MODFET's/HEMT's. Although by no means extensive and in depth, Davies does point out simplifications and refers the interested reader to relevant references for more details. Overall, it is a balanced introduction.
This book is a useful point of entry for undergraduates to low-dimensional semiconductor physics. Reading this book is good preparation for more advanced and specialized literature including: Solid State Physics vol. 44 ed. Ehrenreich and Turnbull; Perspectives in Quantum Hall Effects, Das Sarma and Pinczuk.
As with any new text, there are errata but an up to date webpage of corrections is maintained by the author.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Good Introduction
By A Customer
The first book you should read if you wanna do some Low Dimentional Electron Physics and only learned Solid State Physics before. It just covers all topics in this field --- with the knowledge in this book, you could read any new paper published recently.
And this book's written style is very friendly --- just a textbook! So it could be finished in 2 days if you know the basic notions in Solid State Physics and concentrate on it.
So there is no match for such a good introductory book --- there's no other ones like this --- I searched a lot when I tried to enter this field, and this is a good choice:)

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The Physics of Low-dimensional Semiconductors: An Introduction, by Dr John H. Davies PDF

The Physics of Low-dimensional Semiconductors: An Introduction, by Dr John H. Davies PDF
The Physics of Low-dimensional Semiconductors: An Introduction, by Dr John H. Davies PDF

Selasa, 02 November 2010

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Inspired Selling: Experiential Teaching of Leadership Selling, by Brian A Mitchell

Inspired Selling teaches the art, science and passion of salesmanship in a philosophically unique, spiritual and hopefully life-changing manner. In addition, techniques for success as well as self-development roadmaps are provided for those who dare to do things a bit differently and want to continuously improve. Brian Mitchell uses many of his own experiences and stories to help make this easy and entertaining read something of value to all who have the spirit to be a leadership salesperson and desire to learn how to better focus on the success of those around them and not just themselves.

  • Sales Rank: #3507890 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-05-10
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .31" w x 5.50" l, .36 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 134 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Enjoyed reading this book
By Amazon Customer
Helpful advice for anyone in Sales! Enjoyed reading this book, especially the personal snippets & stories.

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Inspired Selling: Experiential Teaching of Leadership Selling, by Brian A Mitchell PDF

[L257.Ebook] Free Ebook Silas Marner: Color Illustrated, Formatted for E-Readers (Unabridged Version), by George Eliot

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Silas Marner: Color Illustrated, Formatted for E-Readers (Unabridged Version), by George Eliot

Silas Marner: Color Illustrated, Formatted for E-Readers (Unabridged Version), by George Eliot

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Silas Marner: Color Illustrated, Formatted for E-Readers (Unabridged Version), by George Eliot

How is this book unique?
Formatted for E-Readers, Unabridged & Original version. You will find it much more comfortable to read on your device/app. Easy on your eyes.

Includes: 15 Colored Illustrations and Biography

Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe is the third novel by George Eliot, published in 1861. An outwardly simple tale of a linen weaver, it is notable for its strong realism and its sophisticated treatment of a variety of issues ranging from religion to industrialisation to community.The novel is set in the early years of the 19th century. Silas Marner, a weaver, is a member of a small Calvinist congregation in Lantern Yard, a slum street in an unnamed city in Northern England. He is falsely accused of stealing the congregation's funds while watching over the very ill deacon. Two clues are given against Silas: a pocket-knife and the discovery in his own house of the bag formerly containing the money. There is the strong suggestion that Silas' best friend, William Dane, has framed him, since Silas had lent his pocket-knife to William shortly before the crime was committed. Silas is proclaimed guilty. The woman he was to marry casts him off, and later marries William Dane. With his life shattered and his heart broken, Silas leaves Lantern Yard and the city.

Marner heads south to the Midlands and settles near the village of Raveloe, where he lives as a recluse, lapsing into bouts of catalepsy, and existing only for work and the gold he has hoarded from his earnings. The gold is stolen by Dunstan ('Dunsey') Cass, the dissolute younger son of Squire Cass, the town's leading landowner. Silas sinks into a deep gloom, despite the villagers' attempts to aid him. Dunsey disappears, but little is made of this not unusual behaviour, and no association is made between him and the theft.

Godfrey Cass, Dunsey's elder brother, also harbours a secret. He is married to, but estranged from, Molly Farren, an opium-addicted woman of low birth. This secret threatens to destroy Godfrey's blooming relationship with Nancy, a young woman of higher social and moral standing. On a winter's night, Molly tries to make her way into town with her two-year-old child, to prove that she is Godfrey's wife and ruin him. On the way she takes opium, becomes disoriented and sits down to rest in the snow, child in arm. The child wanders from her mother's still body into Silas' house. Upon discovering the child, Silas follows her tracks in the snow and discovers the woman dead. Godfrey also arrives at the scene, but resolves to tell no one that she was his wife.

Silas decides to keep the child and names her Eppie, after his deceased mother and his sister, Hephzibah. Eppie changes Silas' life completely. Silas has been robbed of his material gold, but has it returned to him symbolically in the form of golden-haired Eppie. Godfrey Cass is now free to marry Nancy, but continues to conceal the existence of his first marriage—and child—from her. However, he aids Marner in caring for Eppie with occasional financial gifts. More practical help and support in bringing up the child is given by Dolly Winthrop, a kindly neighbour of Marner's. Dolly's help and advice help Marner not only to bring up Eppie but also to integrate her into village society.

Sixteen years pass, and Eppie grows up to be the pride of the town. She has a strong bond with Silas, who through her has found inclusion and purpose in life. Meanwhile, Godfrey and Nancy mourn their own childless state. Eventually, the skeleton of Dunstan Cass—still clutching Silas' gold—is found at the bottom of the stone quarry near Silas' home, and the money is duly returned to Silas. Shocked by this revelation, and coming to the realisation of his own conscience, Godfrey confesses to Nancy that Molly was his first wife and that Eppie is his child.

  • Sales Rank: #1603816 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-08-17
  • Released on: 2015-08-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From Library Journal
This 19th-century classic, read by Andrew Sachs, is a tale of betrayal, gold, and love, encased in the elegant symmetrical structure so popular in traditional English fiction, featuring Marner, the weaver, who is framed for theft by his best friend and becomes a recluse, focusing his strong affections only on the store of golden coins he receives in payment for his work. As usual, Chivers has produced an excellent audio presentation of a literary masterpiece. Alas, in this day and age fewer and fewer readers not enrolled in literature classes actually read the works of what are frequently referred to as "dead white males" even if, as in this case, they were actually written by a woman. For this reason, this title is recommended for all academic but only larger public libraries.
-I. Pour-El, Iowa State Univ., Ames
Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

"I think Silas Marner holds a higher place than any of the author's works. It is more nearly a masterpiece; it has more of that simple, rounded, consummate aspect. . .which marks a classical work." --Henry James

From the Publisher
5 1.5-hour cassettes

Most helpful customer reviews

114 of 118 people found the following review helpful.
A book for all times, but not for all readers
By Susan E. Hallander
Question: How can you ensure that a person will hate a book? Answer: Make her read it for 7th grade English class, make sure that the language is old-fashioned, and above all, make sure that the ideas and concepts are over her head. If that's what happened to you, and that's why you have an aversion to Silas Marner, and you are now over 30, pick it up again. Read it twice. Silas Marner is one of the greatest novels in the English language.
Yes, it starts out sad, as our pathetic hero looses both his trust in humanity and his faith in God. But the power of love replaces his lust for money, and wins out in the end. Meanwhile, morally poor but financially rich, high-living Godfrey Cass provides a counterpoint to simple Silas. At the end there's a surprise when the fate of Godfrey's evil brother is revealed.
When you're all done, before you file Silas Marner on the shelf, go back and read the paragraph about Silas' thoughts when he discovers that his hordes of coins are missing. If you have ever felt sudden extreme loss, you will recognize the stages of despair from disbelief to acceptance "like a man falling into dark water." Which is why this book is not suitable for children, and is most appreciated by those who have undergone their own moral redemption.
Silas has been the inspiration for many other characters, including Dicken's Scrooge. He has been portrayed in movies, including "A Simple Twist of Fate" starring Steve Martin. But none is as good as the original. If you haven't read it since junior high, try it again. Silas Marner is an excellent book. There's a gem of human understanding in every chapter.

49 of 50 people found the following review helpful.
A Tale of the Redeeming Power of Love
By R.J. Robledo
Silas Marner is an excellent classic novel set in early Nineteenth Century England. In this story, George Eliot (pen name for Mary Ann Evans) depicts a man named Silas Marner, a weaver by trade. He lives happily in his home town of Lantern Yard, until his best friend William Dane betrays him by setting him up as a thief. William then marries Silas' fianc�e, and Silas is shunned from the town. He eventually settles in a very small cottage in Raveloe, where he spends his days making cloth and other materials for the townspeople. Due to his now secretive and reclusive ways, the people of Raveloe never really come to know Silas, and he lives in solitude, having turned away from his former faith and happiness.
But one winter's night, a small orphan girl comes to his house, and everything changes. Silas cares for the child (with the help of his neighbor, Mrs. Winthrop, whose family soon befriends him), and his heart begins to soften.
This is a very good representation of the redeeming power of love, and the consequences of a person's actions. For people who enjoy classic literature, this is definitely a must-read.

Ryan Robledo
Author of the Aelnathan:

69 of 73 people found the following review helpful.
Pure gold
By Peter Reeve
If you have a heart, the story of Silas Marner will warm it. You are better coming to it fresh, without knowing anything of the simple yet solid plot, so I will say nothing of it. I will just urge you to read this wonderful book. Eliot writes beautifully and from page one, you realize you are in the hands of a true artist. This is a very human, very English story of simple people living through those very basic emotions that make the world turn and give the universe meaning.

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Silas Marner: Color Illustrated, Formatted for E-Readers (Unabridged Version), by George Eliot PDF
Silas Marner: Color Illustrated, Formatted for E-Readers (Unabridged Version), by George Eliot PDF