Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

[P565.Ebook] Download PDF Rumours & Recklessness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation, by Nicole Clarkston

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Rumours & Recklessness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation, by Nicole Clarkston

Rumours & Recklessness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation, by Nicole Clarkston

Rumours & Recklessness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation, by Nicole Clarkston

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Rumours & Recklessness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation, by Nicole Clarkston

Fitzwilliam Darcy is desperate. Finally confronted with a woman who ignites all his hopes, he agonizes over the cruel trick of fate which placed her in a situation beneath his notice. The morning after the Netherfield ball, he resolves to put as much distance between himself and her as possible.

That very morning, however, Elizabeth's future is jeopardized by her father's untimely accident. With Mr Bennet unconscious and surrounded by concerned neighbors, Mr Collins presses his suit. Elizabeth's mother frantically demands her acceptance to secure the familiy's welfare. With so many witnesses to his proposal and everyone expecting her to make a practical choice, Elizabeth's reputation hangs in the balance.

Without her father to defend her refusal of Mr Collins, there is no one to speak up for her... except the last man in the world she would ever marry.

  • Sales Rank: #75614 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-13
  • Released on: 2015-10-13
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Author
This Pride and Prejudice variation is a light-hearted story with�mild angst. The characters remain largely faithful to Jane Austen's originals. The story has some romantic scenes, but is mostly clean.

About the Author
Nicole Clarkston is the pen name of a very bashful writer who will not allow any of her family or friends to read what she writes. She grew up in Idaho on horseback, and if she could have figured out how to read a book at the same time, she would have. She initially pursued a degree in foreign languages and education, and then lost patience with it, switched her major, and changed schools. She now resides in Oregon with her husband of 14 years, 3 homeschooled kids, and a very worthless degree in Poultry Science (don't ask). Nicole discovered Jane Austen rather by guilt in her early thirties- how does any book worm really live that long without a little P&P? She has never looked back. A year or so later, during a major house renovation project (undertaken when her husband unsuspectingly left town for a few days) she discovered Elizabeth Gaskell and fell completely in love. Nicole's first two published books are her pitiful homage to two authors who have so deeply inspired her.

Most helpful customer reviews

21 of 21 people found the following review helpful.
An entertaining first foray into P&P by the author.
By Jana
I've read my fair share of P&P alternate stories and sequels (dozens and dozens of them, really), and this is one of the good ones, with a few caveats. Some spoilers ahead.

Congratulations to Ms. Nicole Clarkston for her first published P&P variation! In 'Rumours & Recklessness' we find Darcy and Elizabeth suddenly engaged, although not by your typical compromise or wayward seduction. The main time frame for the events of this book begins on Wednesday, 27th of November, the morning after the Netherfield Ball, and continues in the days and weeks immediately following (I'm almost certain the main plot of the book occurs in the span of 2-3 weeks, give or take a few days).

In the wake of an accident that leaves Mr. Bennet comatose, Mr. Collins seizes an opportunity and attempts to publicly engage himself to Elizabeth. Mr. Collins believes the uncertainty of Mr. Bennet's health will aid him with his suit. Darcy (who is witness to this event along with Bingley and the rest of the Bennet ladies) cannot bear to think Elizabeth attached to such an odious man for the rest of her life. By this time we know that Darcy is in love with Elizabeth but he hasn't quite acknowledged it yet. So of course, to save Elizabeth from Mr. Collins and to secure her for himself, Darcy suddenly interjects and says that Elizabeth has already accepted his marriage proposal and is now engaged to him. We know that Lizzy has done nothing of the sort and she is most certainly not happy with Darcy's interference! And so our stage is set and the misunderstandings and drama ensues. It was very enjoyable to read this alternate way of how our dear characters come together, fall in love (on Elizabeth's part), and resolve their problems. While this book focuses mainly on Darcy and Elizabeth, several others get their own stories told.

The usual cast of supporting characters make their appearances. A more decisive Bingley (I quite liked this version of him) sends for Colonel Fitzwilliam and Georgiana to come to Netherfield to help pull Darcy out of his funk after Elizabeth gives her "fianc�" the set down of his life (� la Hunsford). Colonel Fitzwilliam is a true friend and like an older brother to Darcy, a relationship I appreciate in adaptations. He is also one of the main sources of comic relief and I was often smirking when reading those scenes. Georgiana remains a constant once she's introduced, and I enjoyed her relationships and development with the other characters. I like how Mary Bennet subtly becomes one of Georgiana's supporters, a "dispassionate bodyguard." Wickham is true to form, causing mischief and spreading tales to the detriment of our hero characters. Caroline Bingley is her usual jealous and vindictive self but her actions aren't without consequences. Lady Catherine and her vitriol is an excellent (and surprising) source of comic relief and I'm glad that she gets a set down in the end. Anne de Bourgh is shown to have more gumption than she initially appears, although I'm on the fence about the twist concerning her.

Like others before it, this book contains some notable lines and phrases from the original P&P, although this didn't happen too often and I believe these instances were mostly effective. I appreciate that the first chapter focuses on Mr. Bennet and Darcy, especially since it's uncommon in most variations for these two to actually have a conversation without subtle teasing/jabs taking the fore. Mr. Bennet's accident renders him absent for most of the book so I really like the insight to his character/personality in that first chapter.

The pacing is mostly steady; it's slow-ish in the first act as there is a lot of introspection on the parts of Darcy and Elizabeth but I didn't mind too much as these insights were necessary for the development of their later relationship. I like that Darcy and Elizabeth come to an understanding somewhere in the middle of the book, allowing room for other plot lines and hijinks to occur as the story reaches its climax. And just because Darcy and Elizabeth have accepted each other, it doesn't mean that their path together is without its hardships; the drama continues! We know that they'll get their HEA but it's all about the journey in this novel.

There are no sexually explicit scenes, so no worries for those who could do without them. Once they've reached an understanding and Elizabeth has truly welcomed Darcy's marriage proposal our two lovebirds find time to steal kisses and make-out. In retrospect I don't know if Darcy or Elizabeth would risk to be found in as many compromising situations as they were in, but who can resist their tender moments together?

I will say that the book would've benefited from additional editing/proofreading as I came across some errors that I've highlighted while reading on Kindle. One of my pet peeves is that when Elizabeth is addressed so, it is "Lizzy" and not "Lizzie," as Lizzy with a Y is used in Jane Austen's original text. However, I will concede to what each author/writer decides to use, as long as they remain consistent in their address throughout the entire story. On several occasions, I've found both "Lizzy" and "Lizzie" being used by the characters, sometimes these two spellings appearing on the same page. Lieutenant Denny of the militia regiment is also referred to as "Denney" with only a paragraph in between. Darcy and Elizabeth encounter Sir Lucas on one of their rambles, but then Elizabeth suddenly met "Sir Lewis' eye." Miss Anne de Bourgh has been elevated to Lady Anne de Bourgh. Sir Lucas is incorrectly referred to as a peer. There are a few scattered grammar mistakes (using I versus Me, among others) and a couple of occasions where certain titles/addresses should be capitalized but are not. There are also a few anachronisms in word use (gold digger, mail-order bride, and some others). I am a nitpick when reading but overall these errors weren't so bad in terms of understanding the story. I just hope that authors will continue to research and proofread a story several times so that less/none of these mistakes are found in publication.

Some plot points could've been handled better, used more details, or had a more defined resolution. Darcy writes a letter to Elizabeth early in this story but The Letter here is reduced a MacGuffin, a bit disappointing considering the importance of The Letter in the original P&P. Also, what exactly happened with Mary King? I feel like the explanation for her circumstances was rushed and a bit confusing. Charlotte Lucas' storyline could've been handled with more care. She is later paired off but even this seems a bit forced, just so that she wouldn't remain a spinster daughter. I'm not too fond of the twist concerning Anne; it seemed a bit tacked on as a last suspense element. If the backstory/buildup to this twist was somehow integrated into earlier chapters, I may have been more accepting of it. Even if supplemented with additional buildup, the twist is so different from canon that it may be especially hard for some people to accept. There's also a scene where Wickham mistakes Anne for Georgiana; it takes him a while to realize his mistake, such are the ladies' supposed similarity in appearance. This detail bothers me in relation to (SPOILERS) Colonel Fitzwilliam confessing to having a tendr�/attraction toward Georgiana. He does acknowledge that his feelings for Georgiana aren't right (in relation to her being his ward and that he is twice her age). Later in the epilogue we find out he is engaged to Anne. For some reason, the inclusion of Wickham mistaking Anne for Georgiana made it seem to me that Fitzwilliam just transferred his attraction from Georgiana to Anne. There wasn't much interaction between Fitzwilliam and Anne, even though it's implied (I guess) in the epilogue, and that leaves me feeling like their pairing together is a bit too contrived in this instance. Does this nitpicking make sense?

Overall, I did enjoy reading this alternate path to HEA between Darcy and Elizabeth. I read the entirety of the book over the course of one day. I was compelled to turn the page and didn't gloss over paragraphs or sections (which I've had a tendency of doing lately with a few P&P/JAFF stories). For some this book may seem a bit long but I usually prefer them this way. Despite some mistakes that could've been caught by another proofreader and my own nitpicking at certain story lines, I do recommend everyone to take a chance on this author's first foray into published P&P fiction. Good job, Ms. Nicole Clarkston!

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
A well done retelling of a favorite classic!
By Dave in Oklahoma
This is a very pleasant novel! I like how all the characters follow canon from the original. Some smaller characters are added to support the well known cast and it is done seamlessly. There is a ton of conversations and they are done in a smooth manner. Some phrasing from the original shows up occasionally but it is small snippets and they are mostly reworded so you get the original meanings with fresh wording. The plot follows along at a nice pace and there are no grammar issues or holes in the storyline. All is well thought out and executed in a professional manner. I like the Darcy and Elizabeth characters - you are rooting for them to overcome obstacles. Of course there is the required HEA, but what twisted path will get them there? What happens to the other players? There are some nice differences for you to enjoy. I rate this story a keeper!

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Rumours & Recklessness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation
By Kindle Customer
Enjoyable story. A little chaos develops in the front parlour at the Bennet home. Unbeknownst to Elizabeth, Collins decides that he will announce his betrothal to Elizabeth. While she angrily says she will not, Mrs. Bennet is screeching that she will. Bingley, Jane, and Darcy are shocked at this development, especially Darcy who has admitted to himself that is in love with Elizabeth. While his mind is arguing with his heart, he surprises everyone in the room that she cannot marry Collins, because she is his betrothal. If Elizabeth was simmering with disgust about Collins' announcement, she's an erupting volcano at Darcy's statement. That everyone was is shock is an understatement, except for Mrs. Bennet who recognizes that Darcy is far better a catch than Collins. When facing Darcy the next day while out walking, Darcy approaches to offer a proposal. While not quite as bad as the Hunsford proposal, it still contained his ill spoken words as to family, fortune, and status. He gets the shock of his life when she responds to his proposal and slaps him across the cheek when he steals a kiss. Hurt and dismayed, Bingley finds him well under the influence of alcohol when returns to Netherfield. Meanwhile, Bingley has contacted Colonel Fitzwilliam and Georgiana to come help Darcy win Elizabeth's love. Elizabeth and Georgiana quickly become friends which makes Darcy extremely happy. When she finally is told the truth about Wickham, her feelings for Darcy begin to change rapidly. Elizabeth is in charge of running Longbourn while her father is recuperating from his fall from his horse. Listening to her Aunt Gardiner who has traveled from London to help, she suggests that Elizabeth ask Darcy about the tenant that has been unable to work the land for a year and is behind in rent. When she sees what he has done, she falls completely in love with Darcy. Caught in the middle of the road kissing by her Uncle Gardiner, much needs explaining. Well kind of Pride and Prejudice variation would it be without the evil 3 musketeers: Aunt Catherine, Caroline, and Wickham. Enjoyed seeing the three despicable fail at their betrayal. The Earl and Lady Matlock are two of Darcy's relatives, besides Georgiana and the Colonel, that are completely taken by Elizabeth's obvious love for Darcy. Oh, Lady Catherine has a terrible secret that she thought was only know to herself, but the Matlocks and Anne also knew of her shame. Enjoyed the story although some typos were noted, but they did not detract from the story. Loved how Darcy set up Mrs. Bennet, Lydia, and Kitty to spread rumours about Wickham. Kind of funny he caught Wickham with his own game: spreading rumours.

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Rumours & Recklessness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation, by Nicole Clarkston PDF

Rumours & Recklessness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation, by Nicole Clarkston PDF
Rumours & Recklessness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation, by Nicole Clarkston PDF

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Lacan, by Malcolm Bowie

  • Published on: 2007
  • Original language: German
  • Dimensions: 8.35" h x .94" w x 5.87" l,
  • Binding: Paperback

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Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

[W229.Ebook] Download PDF Emilia-Romagna, Italy: A Personal Guide to Little-known Places Foodies Will Love (Little Roads Europe), by Zeneba Bowers, Matt Walker

Download PDF Emilia-Romagna, Italy: A Personal Guide to Little-known Places Foodies Will Love (Little Roads Europe), by Zeneba Bowers, Matt Walker

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Emilia-Romagna, Italy: A Personal Guide to Little-known Places Foodies Will Love (Little Roads Europe), by Zeneba Bowers, Matt Walker

Emilia-Romagna, Italy: A Personal Guide to Little-known Places Foodies Will Love (Little Roads Europe), by Zeneba Bowers, Matt Walker

Emilia-Romagna, Italy: A Personal Guide to Little-known Places Foodies Will Love (Little Roads Europe), by Zeneba Bowers, Matt Walker

Download PDF Emilia-Romagna, Italy: A Personal Guide to Little-known Places Foodies Will Love (Little Roads Europe), by Zeneba Bowers, Matt Walker

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Emilia-Romagna, Italy: A Personal Guide to Little-known Places Foodies Will Love (Little Roads Europe), by Zeneba Bowers, Matt Walker

Italy's Emilia-Romagna region is often ignored by visitors, but it is rich in history, natural beauty, artwork and architecture spanning centuries. And it is the home of some of the culinary cornerstones of Italian cooking. Join Zeneba and Matt as they take readers off the beaten path to find the deeper, more authentic, and most delicious adventures.�"Zeneba Bowers and Matt Walker convey the real Italy, the day-to-day routines of its people and the tastes of its culinary traditions. They deliver what every armchair traveler and guidebook devotee is seeking: An indelible sense of place and the locals-only advice you need to experience it for yourself."�-�Robert Firpo-Cappiello, Editor in Chief, Budget Travel (�This book bypasses the bigger locations - such as Bologna and Ravenna - in favor of smaller towns, hard-to-find sights, and traditional Emilia-Romagna cuisine. This is the Little Roads Europe experience - authentic, immersive, memorable, affordable.

  • Sales Rank: #436868 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-24
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.99" h x .52" w x 5.00" l, .50 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 192 pages

About the Author
Matt Walker and his wife Zeneba Bowers are classical musicians who perform in a symphony orchestra and in ALIAS Chamber Ensemble, and can be found on many recordings, both classical and popular. Their schedules are extremely busy and their days are long; when they travel they are looking for ways to leave their stress-filled stage lives behind and slow down the pace. They like to explore out of the way, 'undiscovered' towns and sights; and they love to find great food and drink close to its source.

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
This concise book is the perfect size to accompany you on your vacation as you ...
By Lydia Garcia
I'm ready to pack my bags after reading this gem! If you prefer the beauty and peace of small, quaint villages over the hustle and bustle of overcrowded, touristy cities then you will appreciate this approach to the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy! This concise book is the perfect size to accompany you on your vacation as you will want to refer to it often. It's packed with interesting things to see, great places to eat and welcoming, homey places to spend a night or two. The authors have an intimate knowledge and love of this region that is obvious on every page. Although it is a travel guide the book also comes across as a personal diary, written with passion and a touch of humor. This book was the perfect tool for learning more about a fascinating area of Italy and an invaluable source for planning a memorable vacation off the beaten path!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
This made our trip!
By Susan McCarthy
We based a one week trip in Bologna and could not figure out how we could visit the foodie highlights of this amazing area without hiring a guide for each region....until we found this book. It is a GIFT to anyone who wants to experience this region to the fullest. We found it a day before we left and it made our trip. The restaurant recommendations are fantastic. The routes have excellent suggestions and the Kindle version has all the weblinks you need to check things out. We are so grateful to the authors for bringing us such a great tool. This book is a must for traveling to this area. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts to the authors. Well done!!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A Yummy trip through the small places of Italy!
By ib
Bowers and Walker are back! This time with an actual printed travel book (the last one
was digital only) that is informative and helpful in a chatty, easy-to-follow-and-
understand way. So if you have a passport and are planning a trip to see an Italy
that is off the beaten path, or even if you are planning an armchair trip, be sure
to pack this handy, descriptive, fun-yet-practical guide.
P.S. The food descriptions are mouth-watering!

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Emilia-Romagna, Italy: A Personal Guide to Little-known Places Foodies Will Love (Little Roads Europe), by Zeneba Bowers, Matt Walker Kindle

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Kamis, 22 Mei 2014

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Robin Hobb Collection: Farseer Trilog - Assassin's Apprentice, Royal Assassin, Assassin's Quest, by Robin Hobb

  • Sales Rank: #3316405 in Books
  • Published on: 2011-09-03
  • Number of items: 3
  • Binding: Paperback

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Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

[W572.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Immaterialism: Objects and Social Theory (Theory Redux), by Graham Harman

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Immaterialism: Objects and Social Theory (Theory Redux), by Graham Harman

What objects exist in the social world and how should we understand them? Is a specific Pizza Hut restaurant as real as the employees, tables, napkins and pizzas of which it is composed, and as real as the Pizza Hut corporation with its headquarters in Wichita, the United States, the planet Earth and the social and economic impact of the restaurant on the lives of its employees and customers?

In this book the founder of object-oriented philosophy develops his approach in order to shed light on the nature and status of objects in social life. While it is often assumed that an interest in objects amounts to a form of materialism, Harman rejects this view and develops instead an “immaterialist” method. By examining the work of leading contemporary thinkers such as Bruno Latour and Levi Bryant, he develops a forceful critique of ‘actor-network theory’. In an extended discussion of Leibniz’s famous example of the Dutch East India Company, Harman argues that this company qualifies for objecthood neither through ‘what it is’ or ‘what it does’, but through its irreducibility to either of these forms. The phases of its life, argues Harman, are not demarcated primarily by dramatic incidents but by moments of symbiosis, a term he draws from the biologist Lynn Margulis.

This book provides a key counterpoint to the now ubiquitous social theories of constant change, holistic networks, performative identities, and the construction of things by human practice. It will appeal to anyone interested in cutting-edge debates in philosophy and social and cultural theory.

  • Sales Rank: #138153 in Books
  • Brand: Polity Pr
  • Published on: 2016-06-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.50" h x .50" w x 4.90" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 140 pages
  • Polity Pr

About the Author
Graham Harman is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (on leave from the American University in Cairo).

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
An Instant Classic of Object-Oriented Philosophy
By Amazon Customer
The brevity and clarity of Harman's work are to be admired. Where other philosophers take pride in their tomes of dense prose, Harman seems to go against the grain, while never falling into prosaic language. This book in particular cuts to the quick without sacrificing substance. In it, Harman engages with his favorite living philosopher, Bruno Latour, and his version of Actor-Network Theory, as well as his later shift to "Modes of Existence". He also touches on the work of John Law and Annemarie Mol. Harman's account of the VOC and Jan Pieterszoon Coen are quite fascinating and provide some very rich examples of Harman's concept of symbiosis, and of social objects generally. I could see this book being a nice introduction to Harman's oeuvre for sociologists, anthropologists, and students of religious studies. I give it five stars; highly recommended!

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
OOO Historiography
By Yousaf Nishat-Botero
"Immaterialism" is an excellent introduction to Graham Harman's OOO (Object-Oriented Ontology). The book is divided into two parts: the first on Immaterialism, and the second on the VOC (Dutch East India Company) as Harman's "Object" of study. After concluding his presentation of the VOC, Harman ends "Immateralism" with fifteen provisional rules for the OOO method.

In the first part, Harman distinguishes ANT (Actor-Network Theory) and New Materialism from OOO, by critically presenting Undermining (ex: The Pre-Socratics), Overmining (ex: David Hume, Bruno Latour, The Megarians, etc.), and Duomining philosophies. He then proposes a set of theses on Immaterialism as an antonym to Materialism, which he claims substitute the "Thing-In-Itself" with a loose paraphrase of it. Based on a critique of Correlationism, a term coined by the philosopher Quentin Meillasoux, Harman insists on returning to "The-Thing-In-Itself" while maintaining the preservation of Finitude. Although Harman does not insist on developing a social or political theory based on OOO, scholars from various fields will find Harman's approach (an attempt to evolve ANT) attractive.

Using the OOO method, Harman identifies important "symbioses" that transformed the reality of the VOC, leading to turning points throughout its life-span. Identifying the different moments in an Object's life-span as Birth, Ripeness, Decadence, and Death, Harman presents what makes each of these stages so different in structure. Harman, a key theorist of the Speculative Realist movement, must be read. His diverse set of influences (Martin Heidegger, Edmund Husserl, Bruno Latour, Gottfried Leibniz, H.P. Lovecraft, Marshall McLuhan, Alfred N. Whitehead, Xavier Zubiri, and more), writing style, and theoretical surprises and twists make his work exciting.

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Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

[K340.Ebook] Fee Download Planning for Crime Prevention: A Transatlantic Perspective (RTPI Library Series), by Ted Kitchen, Richard H Schneider

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Planning for Crime Prevention: A Transatlantic Perspective (RTPI Library Series), by Ted Kitchen, Richard H Schneider

Crime and the fear of crime are issues high in public concern and on political agendas in most developed countries. This book takes these issues and relates them to the contribution that urban planners and participative planning processes can make in response to these problems. Its focus is thus on the extent to which crime opportunities can be prevented or reduced through the design, planning and management of the built environment. The perspective of the book is transatlantic and comparative, not only because ideas and inspiration in this and many other fields increasingly move between countries but also because there is a great deal of relevant theoretical material and practice in both the USA and the UK which has not previously been pulled together in this systemic manner.

  • Sales Rank: #5004167 in Books
  • Published on: 2002-01-13
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 6.00" w x .75" l, 1.19 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 356 pages


'Excellent...the scope is very impressive and the fact that a book about planning contains many references to criminology is particularly welcome to me. I've recommended it to as many people as possible.' - Steve Town, Architectural Liaison Officer, West Yorkshire Police

'This book provides the reader with an enlightening and informative comparative study of planning and crime prevention in the US and UK.' - Local Government Studies

About the Author
Richard H. Schneider is Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the College of Design, Construction and Planning, University of Florida, USA and Graduate Studies Co-ordinator in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. Ted Kitchen is Professor of Planning and Urban Regeneration and Director of the School of Environment and Development at Sheffield Hallam University, England.

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Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

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  • Sales Rank: #6865391 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-03-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .8" w x 6.00" l, .18 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 34 pages


Most helpful customer reviews

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This work is from start to finish an affirmation that women can, and should, take initiative for their own sexual urges, when they feel comfortable with or in control of the situation. Very refreshing to me to experience vicariously, the power that women own, which seldom is celebrated in literature. I look forward to reading more of

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Did you know that cats sleep an average of thirteen hours a day, or that their hearts beat twice as fast as ours do? In I Love Cats, you'll discover more than 100 fascinating facts that will make you fall in love with your favorite felines all over again! From the trick behind their purr-fect balance to the adorable way they greet a new pal, you'll learn even more about your furry friend as you watch the kittens in this collection pounce their way into your heart.

A heartwarming keepsake, I Love Cats is a must-have for any cat lover!

  • Sales Rank: #1392927 in Books
  • Brand: F+W Media
  • Published on: 2014-10-03
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 6.00" h x .63" w x 6.00" l, .61 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 112 pages
  • AM-81137
  • 9781440581137
  • Brand New Item / Unopened Product
  • F&W Media


"This cute collection...will make you fall in love with your favorite felines all over again. Each adorable feline is paired with a fascinating fact...that will teach you even more about your furry friends." --Cat Fancy

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Heartwarming and fun!
By Danielle
This is exactly what I was looking for--a heartwarming and fun picture book about cats. The facts are light, but surprisingly interesting. And the pictures really are adorable. I showed it to one of my friends who is--well, let's just say that she's much more of a "dog person"--and she couldn't help but squeal "aww!" Really sweet book!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
How could you not love that face on the cover
By Mary
How could you not love that face on the cover? Of course it met my expectations! Full of interesting facts.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I love Cats book - Adams Media
By M. Porter
Wasn't much to it. I guess I expected more... it's more like a child's book. It is cute!

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Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

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Peter Pan es un ni�o que puede volar y que nunca crece. Vive en el Pa�s de Nunca Jam�s, una isla poblada tanto por piratas como por indios, hadas, y sirenas, y en donde vive numerosas aventuras fant�sticas junto a sus amigos los Ni�os Perdidos.

  • Sales Rank: #3005654 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-12-17
  • Released on: 2012-12-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook

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[D127.Ebook] PDF Download Heritage: African American Readings for Writing, by Joyce M. Jarrett, Doreatha D. Mbalia, Margaret G. Lee

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Heritage: African American Readings for Writing, by Joyce M. Jarrett, Doreatha D. Mbalia, Margaret G. Lee

Heritage: African American Readings for Writing, by Joyce M. Jarrett, Doreatha D. Mbalia, Margaret G. Lee

Heritage: African American Readings for Writing, by Joyce M. Jarrett, Doreatha D. Mbalia, Margaret G. Lee

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Heritage: African American Readings for Writing, by Joyce M. Jarrett, Doreatha D. Mbalia, Margaret G. Lee

Unique in its perspective and range, this developmental reader/writer uses diverse essays, short stories, poems and plays by and about African Americans to stimulate critical reading, thinking, discussion, and writing. It first provides a comprehensive process-oriented writing guide with illustrations of writing in progress, and then offers a diverse collection of readings. The readings explore 18 themes and will appeal to a broad spectrum of readers — both traditional and non-traditional.

  • Sales Rank: #1746706 in Books
  • Published on: 1996-08-02
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 6.00" w x 1.00" l, 1.10 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 476 pages

From the Back Cover
Unique in its perspective and range, this developmental reader/writer uses diverse essays, short stories, poems and plays by and about African Americans to stimulate critical reading, thinking, discussion, and writing. It first provides a comprehensive process-oriented writing guide with illustrations of writing in progress, and then offers a diverse collection of readings. The readings explore 18 themes and will appeal to a broad spectrum of readers — both traditional and non-traditional.

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Heritage: African American Readings for Writing, by Joyce M. Jarrett, Doreatha D. Mbalia, Margaret G. Lee PDF
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Heritage: African American Readings for Writing, by Joyce M. Jarrett, Doreatha D. Mbalia, Margaret G. Lee PDF

Heritage: African American Readings for Writing, by Joyce M. Jarrett, Doreatha D. Mbalia, Margaret G. Lee PDF
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Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

[K454.Ebook] Download Ebook Clyfford Still: The Artist's MuseumFrom Skira Rizzoli

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Clyfford Still: The Artist's MuseumFrom Skira Rizzoli

Clyfford Still: The Artist's MuseumFrom Skira Rizzoli

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Clyfford Still: The Artist's MuseumFrom Skira Rizzoli

The first significant publication on Clyfford Still and his work in more than twenty-five years celebrates one of abstract expressionism’s founders. Best known for his compelling abstract works with jagged fields and powerful expanses of color, Clyfford Still (1904–1980) stands among the giants of post–World War II art. Together with Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Franz Kline, and Barnett Newman, Still helped shape abstract expressionism. This vividly illustrated book presents more than one hundred of Still’s greatest works and is the first comprehensive catalogue of the new Clyfford Still Museum in Denver. The book offers intimate reflections written by his daughters Sandra Still Campbell and Diane Still Knox; Dean Sobel chronicles the origins of the new museum; and David Anfam, one of the world’s foremost authorities on Still’s work, gives a new scholarly and critical perspective of Still, made possible by the opening of the museum. Illustrations include monumental paintings, works on paper, and Still’s only sculptures, many of which have never been published or publicly exhibited.

  • Sales Rank: #795369 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-10-09
  • Released on: 2012-10-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.30" h x 1.13" w x 9.40" l, 3.57 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 240 pages

About the Author
Clyfford Still’s daughters Sandra Still Campbell and Diane Still Knox have played an active role in cataloging and preserving the artist’s legacy. Dean Sobel is the director of the Clyfford Still Museum and the former director of the Aspen Art Museum. David Anfam is a critic and curator who has written several books on modern American art.

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
The Still Collections Are Still Collecting
By Eugene Kupper
I recently investigated Jack Flam's huge Robert Motherwell project (Catalogue Raisonne) and began to wonder if there could be something like this for Clyfford Still - not yet. Separate monographs will have to do for now. Each of the books (Buffalo/SF, Denver) are attractive yet incomplete. I prefer the writing in the Buffalo / SF Collections, however the introduction to the Denver collection is excellent, while Anfam's is chatty and "poetic". Both of these books offer some very interesting insights to Still's odd genius fixations (especially Landauer).

7 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
great background of early work
By B. Nuorala
Good visuals of early work as well as mature work. I now want to go to the museum. Learned that Still was his own man and he didn't cave into the gallery system.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Great Book!
By wabbit
Excellent visuals and an enjoyable read. Some of Still's paintings are almost as difficult to reproduce in photographs as Ad Reinhardt, but they've done a good job in picking up on the subtle nuances. Well worth the price.

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Clyfford Still: The Artist's MuseumFrom Skira Rizzoli PDF

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Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

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Se despierta por las mananas temiendo afrontar el dia que le espera? Se siente insatisfecho por lo que ha conseguido en su vida? Anhela tener mayor autoestima y capacidad para disfrutar de las pequenas cosas? Si es asi, el metodo revolucionario que presenta este libro le ayudara a superar sus peores estados animicos sin necesidad de recurrir a farmacos o a prolongadas y fatigosas terapias. Tal vez el lector esceptico se pregunte si un libro de autoayuda puede generar efectos tan positivos. Y la respuesta que nos da el propio autor es que el libro es una parte importante del proceso, pero lo fundamental es que seamos capaces de aceptar nuestros problemas y que queramos resolverlos. Una vez llegados a este punto, lo que nos queda por hacer es dejar en suspenso nuestros prejuicios y decidirnos a poner en practica las indicaciones de uno de los terapeutas cognitivos mas prestigiosos del mundo en el tratamiento de los problemas afectivos y relacionales.

  • Sales Rank: #2053768 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-01-01
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 304 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Excelente manual
By Eduardo Karmy Butto
Claramente escrito. Una gran ayuda. Es un texto que necesitaba para mis actividades profesionales como Psicoterapeuta.
Es necesario que tengan todos los t�tulos escritos por David Burns a disposici�n.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Luis
Te ayuda a entender mejor coceptos, y ver que siempre se puede mejorar.
De gran ayuda, muy recomendable.

See all 2 customer reviews...

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