Selasa, 19 April 2011

[Z243.Ebook] Free PDF Optics, 2nd Edition, by Eugene Hecht

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Optics, 2nd Edition, by Eugene Hecht

Optics, 2nd Edition, by Eugene Hecht

Optics, 2nd Edition, by Eugene Hecht

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Optics, 2nd Edition, by Eugene Hecht

A comprehensive study of the field of optics.

  • Sales Rank: #465456 in Books
  • Published on: 1987-05
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.75" h x 9.00" w x 1.25" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 676 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

17 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
Best all-around optics text since Jenkins & White!
By A Customer
This text has the perfect mix of mathematics and amusement. Covering a very broad spectrum, Hecht gives brief historical introductions to the topics, includes the math needed for reasonable mastery of the subject, and often offers the reader a homemade experiment to demonstrate the concepts. The figures are good, as are the problems at the end of each chapter. As an optical engineer, I find myself referring to the section on Fresnel reflection often, but some of the later chapters on Fourier optics and coherence theory make fascinating and not overwhelming night reading. I recommend this text highly to undergraduate instructors and optical engineers, but perhaps the highest compliment I can give this book is that I frequently recommend it to technical people who rarely dabble in optics, but who need a readable reference on the widest variety of optics topics.

19 of 26 people found the following review helpful.
Difficult to learn from.
By A Customer
I used this book as an undergrad and found it difficult to learn from. I thought the book lacked enough examples and I often found myself reading a section several times and still not feeling confident that I understood it.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Marika
Old version was useful in class for a reference.

See all 8 customer reviews...

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Optics, 2nd Edition, by Eugene Hecht PDF

Optics, 2nd Edition, by Eugene Hecht PDF

Optics, 2nd Edition, by Eugene Hecht PDF
Optics, 2nd Edition, by Eugene Hecht PDF

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